Wednesday, August 16, 2017

One interesting thing about William McAdoo while he was Secretary of the Treasury under President Wilson

He is credited with preventing Europeans during World War I from selling all their stocks in the U.S. and converting them to Gold which would theoretically have put the U.S. in a Great Depression then in 1913 or 1914. By doing this (shutting down the Stock market for 4 months time) he created a situation which led to ongoing prosperity (except for the Great Depression) which in some ways has lasted until now over 100 years later. Then he married President Wilson's daughter while President Wilson was president and this marriage lasted until 1934 or 35. Then he divorced her when he was 71 and married a 26 year old nurse and was married to her until his death from a heart attack in 1941.

So, even though he was open about having the KKK support him as a presidential candidate as a Democrat in 1924 at the Democratic Convention he wasn't completely crazy and also did some good things for our country in helping our nation move from a debtor nation to a creditor nation starting in World War I which  culminated in the 1950s and 1960s in the highest standard of living for the average person in the U.S. in the history of the world during the 1950s and 1960s here on earth.

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