Sunday, March 18, 2018

I just found out something else about Chrome I don't like

Browsing history ONLY slows down your computer the more you have of it. It just clogs things up to the point where it slows down and down and down until you want to throw the thing away completely. So, one of the things I liked about Firefox is that you could in one fell swoop delete all cookies and browsing history to keep your computer going as fast as possible. And that doesn't appear to be possible in Chrome. I didn't find that out until now so it makes me want to find another browser that won't completely clog up my computer with completely useless data. maybe you want to keep one days browsing history so you can find a URL you forgot to save the location of but other than that it is a completely waste of your time as a blogger or user.

The only disadvantage I have found to deleting all cookies and browsing history is it automatically logs you out of anything you are in at the moment so you have to re-log in. But, if you can't delete all browsing history and cookies eventually you likely will just want to throw your whole computer away because it will be completely useless to you for doing anything unless you want to wait a week or so between clicks and pages loading.

This makes it almost certain I'm going to completely give up on Chrome because it won't easily delete browsing history which makes ones computer completely unusable for anything over time.

I also found out that Safari is like Firefox in that it lets you delete all browsing history in one fell swoop. Took me about 10 to 30 seconds to delete everything from history in Safari. A happy computer is a fast computer online!

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