Saturday, June 16, 2018

Methuselah died in the year of the Flood at age 969?

From the research I have done so far in this lifetime I would say that Methuselah ( a relative of Noah I believe) died when Atlantis sunk under the waves. So, Noah lived on Atlantis too. So, my thought is did Noah construct a ship in the water or a ship that went into space? And was he a genetic engineer who took sperm and eggs of each and every animal to re-introduce it genetically back upon earth when things settled down?

And was there some sort of war between other planetary colonies of earth and earth that caused Atlantis to sink under the waves and did the same thing happen with MU where Hawaii is now and then cause the "Ring of Fire" to happen when Mu (about the same size as Australia is now) was PUSHED under the ocean?

Likely we are witnessing the same volcanic vent that created all islands to the north of Hawaii up to Midway Island blowing off still today that was created when Mu was shoved under the waves likely hundreds of thousands or even millions of years ago at that time.

I still have memories of living in California (then called Lemuria) the day that Mu Sunk and flying my spaceship to the Sierras to watch everyone die when the seas from the Tsunami came up about 7000 feet in altitude or higher into the Sierras from the sinking of Mu in that lifetime. I had to help drain the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys then through the then created San Francisco Bay so farmers could grow food there to get all the salt water out of the valleys there then from the gigantic tsunami from Mu sinking then. I can remember this pretty clearly still even though emotionally I try to protect myself from the feelings of those times which were pretty discouraging to lose interstellar travel during those times because all the people on Mu who were scientists and engineers died who could still build space ships then.

And then the same thing happened when Atlantis sunk too. You think we would have learned our lesson the first time.

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