Sunday, June 3, 2018

What is a future evolved human?

This could mean almost anything. However, I'm meaning people that are technologically and medically enhanced and people who are very instinctual and intuitive and sophisticated.

I'm watching how people are evolving now on earth and there appear to be many concurrent tracks of evolution around the world.

And all these types of tracks will be competing with each other for resources as time goes on. So, it will be interesting to see which genetic tracks of humans survive and what happens the next million years or so here on earth.

For example, geneticists now believe that Neanderthals basically all interbred with modern day humans and the highest percentage of Neanderthal Blood is in Europe where some people have up to 6% Neanderthal blood there. Also, at this level of percentage their immune systems are far superior to regular human beings with lower levels of Neanderthal blood.

Over time various types of human beings will also interbreed and create new variations of humans along the way. Some genetic types will tend to go recessive and some will become more dominant.

For example, being caucasian is a recessive gene not a dominant one whereas being black or Asian is a dominant gene so eventually most people through interbreeding will look both black and Asian  over time on earth but most white Characteristics of white skin and blue, or periwinkle or Green eyes or hazel eyes will become more and more recessive over time through racial inbreeding because of Passenger planes moving people all over the globe now. For example, within 21 hours you can be literally anywhere on earth on a passenger plane now from the Arctic to Antarctica and everywhere in between.

Note: even if you have to wait 12 hours between planes on your 21 hour or more flights. Also, if you are not flying in a direct line to your destination of course that takes longer too. The point is it is now theoretically possible to travel from any place to any place within 21 hours  of actual flying time in the air (not on the ground). (or during takeoffs and landings).

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