Tuesday, July 31, 2018

God is where you find Him (Her, the Being

What I have discovered during my life is that (God is where you find him) literally and figuratively.

Expect to find God 24 hours a day no matter what you are doing and you will. This is a given.

There is no place that God is not.

And so God has sent me all over the world visiting various religions and has shown me that they are all his languages of perfection here on earth.

They all say similar things in that if you "read between the lines" they tell you what to eat when there is no refrigeration available because it is 2000 to 10,000 BC at the time. They tell you don't kill other people unless you want to also be killed by other people.

They also say: "Be kind to others so they will be kind to you"

They say, "He who lives by the sword also dies by the sword."

They say mostly similar things all religions do.

Yes. there are some differences that are cultural because each culture is unique just like each language too around the world.

And each religion is another language of God if we wish to use it or believe in it.

And all cultures come from Shamanism to organized religion over thousands and thousands of years.

Religions could not take the place of Shamanism until Farming came about. Then organized religions could also exist and then people fought wars over religions and lands.

Before this people fought over hunting areas because they were nomadic. But, they didn't try to farm much before they actually started this between 15,000 and 25,000 years ago.

So, before then organized religions didn't really exist beyond basic shamanism in each tribe worldwide that was mostly nomadic before farming.

Growing wheat for example only started 15,000 years ago which is why some people are allergic to it still. So, wheat originally was something like Ice cream is to us now. It was a luxury but it also made bread and if people didn't have meat they could survive on bread for awhile too (some of them could).

Those that couldn't might have died or just have eaten meat and veggies instead or milk from goats or cows or sheep to survive. Those that couldn't drink milk often died in shepherding areas too

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