Monday, July 30, 2018

Tesla is a Breakthrough Technology

This is why I write about things to do with Tesla's a lot. It is a major change to automobiles and trucks here on earth.

Are they a good thing? In some ways they are good in that they will reduce the price of gas (just like all hybrid and electric vehicles will and do worldwide) But, on the negative side the batteries and technologies are extremely polluting of the earth too. So, you are sort of exchanging Air pollution from Burning fossil fuels for polluting the lands and waters more with electrical batteries and waste. This technology will make the air better worldwide and will kill the oceans and lakes and streams more.

This is the tradeoff. So, it's hard to say which technology is better for the human race.

So, the batteries and electrical technology likely are going to kill eventually everything that lives in water everywhere.

So, I'm also having a hard time balancing all this in my mind.

Just like I see the damage of information technology to our democracy and see that it is very likely democracy cannot survive online technology this century for a variety of reasons.

But, I hope I'm wrong about all these things.

But, if I"m logical I'm likely not.

So, what will the future be and will any human being want to be a part of it?

This is likely the biggest open question of all.

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