Saturday, July 28, 2018

2,185,719 visits to intuitivefred888

total visits to intuitivefred888 2,185,719

Most visits in a single month 99,721 visits

top ten most visited articles of all time at this site:


I find it very interesting what people choose to visit article wise. From the beginning it is not what
I thought people would want to visit most at this site.

However, sites like this become viral at times through people who share this site with others around the world. So, one of my articles (which often are compilation articles usually) starts to go viral and some never stop. In fact, the top 2 articles in this list often have hundreds of visits each day now from around the world ongoing.

So, managing a website is likely much much different than most of you might think.

Many people create websites that almost no one visits. But, when I started looking at my statistics
I realized I could do what I wanted here and share what I wanted and also help my readers too.

It is the fact that many people have some or all of my interests and so many visitors return for some of their interests being met by this site over the years.

Also, if you are retired and like to write, having a blog is a good format to do this in also. 

I have presently two blogs: this one that is free for me and another one at that I pay for where I store my longer writings in an archive like format for people to read at their leisure or interest.

I have now been blogging (before it was even called blogging) since 1999 in I believe June at another blogging site where I had to personally program everything myself in HTML. This could be much more tedious than what I do now.

Now it is 90% easier to have your own blog because you don't even have to know HTML to create a blog because all you have to learn is how to use "Compose" here at (Blogstpot).

It might be helpful to understand more about HTML and HTTP but it isn't absolutely necessary anymore. 

Likely your son or daughter (if they are 9 to 30 or more years old) can teach you how to set up your own blog.

Good Luck!

However, you really don't want to share with people (worldwide) your last name or exactly where you live or the actual names of your children or grandchildren. This isn't a good idea (because this goes all over the world.

Think about it for a moment. Remember those Cell phone calls you get from countries not the U.S. that have U.S. numbers 24 hours a day? Well. Those same people trying to get you to pay IRS payments you don't owe are out there online too. Just remember the IRS never calls you. They send you a letter. IF they call you you know it's a scam.

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