Saturday, September 1, 2018

9-11 and the Great Recession wounded America deeply

IF you are anywhere around the world the title says it all. Who and what the United States was before 2000 it is no more. Everyone who lives here realizes this who was a live in the 1990s and old enough to understand this.

The trauma of 9-11, followed by the wars and 6 trillion dollars put into the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and Syria has traumatized the nation. Then the Great Recession (caused primarily by 9-11) also traumatized the nation a lot like the Viet Nam War did too.

One can blame many people for this but I'm not sure all that is very useful in the end. The point is we are all dealing with the consequences of all that now worldwide.

In a sense everyone in the U.S. got a form of PTSD including myself when we watched live on TV that morning the two towers in New York City be hit by passenger planes and eventually fall to the ground killing around 3000 people including police and firemen trying to put out the fire and rescue people.

No matter where you are on the political spectrum (left, center or right) we all were attacked that day. IN fact, all the free countries on earth who have democracy were all attacked that day in a way that only Pearl Harbor has any similarity to it for Americans.

In some ways it affected us sort of like the shooter in Las Vegas who shot 500 people in the fall of 2017. It was for us all beyond belief that something like this could really happen at all. And we have been dealing with all the ramifications of all this ever since.

The reason I'm writing about all this is PTSD of 9-11 and the Great Recession caused the present we are now experiencing. And many people aren't in their right minds which is why many are close to violence right now here in the U.S.

So, if you are trying to understand what is happening in the U.S. you need look no farther than 9-11, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan (the 2nd one is still going on by the way) to see the causes of the anger in the U.S. on multiple levels right now. And the problem of spending 6 trillion dollars in military hardware and thousands of American lives to get to wherever we are now.

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Oct 2, 2017 - At least 59 people were killed when a gunman opened fire during a Jason ... Las Vegas Shooting: 59 Killed and More Than 500 Hurt Near Mandalay Bay ... People started screaming that they were hit," witness Meghan ...

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