Friday, September 28, 2018

Here are word buttons for Memories Chapters 12 through 16

When I am writing something, for example, about Arcane, or Elohar or His Oneness or others, I'm writing about real experiences in the past, present and future. So, my goal is not really to edit it for you that much but to inform you of actual events in time and space so you can better understand how our Galactic Government actually works. Creators (who are never born or die usually in time and Space) because they are usually born in "Unknown Matter" or as Earth Scientists call it "Dark matter which composes 96% of the known universe. Only 4% of the known universe is matter or anti-matter Galaxies by the way like we live on. I liken matter galaxies a lot like Waterfalls on Rivers (the rivers being unknown matter) and the Galaxies being transitions of forms to and from  the 96% of the known universe which is "unknown matter". So, matter and anti-matter are transitional states not permanent states like "Unknown matter actually is". But, it is also my understanding that our knowledge of science ONLY works in a matter universe and not even in an anti-matter or unknown matter universe. So, likely our scientists here on earth are looking for unknown matter in the entirely wrong places to look thinking they have to use Matter variables which don't exist in an "Unknown matter universe".

So, what I'm attempting to do here is to have people see the point of view of a Galactic Citizen. Many of you here on earth are also Galactic Citizens too so this might be helpful to you to better define your reality for future soul or physical travel throughout the known Galaxies or into "Unknown matter" in the future.

The following begins my attempt at resuming writing where Chapter 11 of "Memories" leaves off. I was asked by the Solar Logos or Ruler of the Solar System who lives in the Sun to do this. He also sponsors the "Golden Heaven" which is designed for the benefit of all those millions and more that likely will die from Global warming this century because it will be nice that they have somewhere good to go after passing on in Storms and earth changes this century and after. There is a whole civilization of Solar Plasma beings that live in the Sun by the way and often Earth born humans can live there and then live here or vice versa (incarnate into the sun as a plasma being or incarnate on earth as a human being because we have similar souls. The first word button below is how I began. The 2nd one is Memories Chapter 12 Continued which is at the bottom. If you were wondering why they are in this order it has to do with how Chrome does things (at least within the Black borders) so this is why I loaded it up this way in HTML through automatic coders at

First attempt at writing Chapter 12 for "Memories"

Chapter 15 Prophetess

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