They were still staying at Arcane's favorite undersea hotel on New Deva. His kids Darcy and Star were 10 and 12 years of age and staying in an underwater room and Celeste was staying in an AIR Breather Room because she didn't have gills like Arcane and Darcy and Star still did. Darcy (the boy) is now 12 and Star (the girl) is now 10.
One day Arcane said to Celeste and the Kids: "One reason I brought you all here when Arcane (Young Arcane) was still a teenager is I had these two Water Dragons as pets. And I wanted you to see and meet them."
Darcy the 12 year old son of Arcane said, "What? You had dragons as pets?"
Arcane: "No. They aren't like legendary earth dragons they are water dragons because of their size and they remind us of dolphins and whales mostly except they don't breathe air but they love humanoids a lot like dolphins do on earth because they are telepathic with humans like Dolphins are on earth."
Star said, "Oh Wow! When do we meet them and what are their names?"
ARcane said, "Well. To be fair I should go get Arcane the Teenager to introduce you all to them. But, the females name is Octavia and the males name is Brutus and they are mates.
So, Arcane called his parents (who actually know who Arcane is as an adult) and asked their young teenage son to go to this underwater hotel and meet with "Uncle Future" (because he is related and also a time traveler) so young Arcane understood that Old Arcane was a slightly modified New Devan humanoid with his finger and toe webbing removed and his tongue shortened and his eyes looked different than a new Devan and his hair is different and his skin color isn't purple which is more useful in the oceans here to have purple skin and Golden eyes on New Deva. And for underwater it was more useful for New Devans to have longer hair that they often tied back. (So, young Arcane is the younger version of Arcane the adult that he was told to call "Uncle Future" by his parents.
Young Arcane had different plans for the day other than entertaining these "Strangers" who were relatives of his but he still hadn't figured out how.
He actually had planned to spend the day with Prophetess and her betrothed older sister to him "Ah Ray IN" as they had planned to go fishing underwater in a pretty grotto area nearby.
So, young Arcane's nose was sort of out of joint having to "entertain" these "STrangers" who were supposed to be relatives of his parents and he. But, he hadn't totally figured it out yet how this all worked.
But, when he got to the hotel he found he really liked the hotel and really liked Darcy and Star who took to him immediately and sort of made him wish that he would have kids like them one day with Ah Ray In his betrothed.
Uncle Future (is old Arcane) and young Arcane I will just call "Young Arcane".
Uncle Future: "Hello. Arcane. Thank you so much for showing us the ocean and your friends Brutus and Octavia. Did you name them yourself?"
Young Arcane: "Well. Actually Ah Ray In and Prophetess summoned them first and then I made friends with them and trained them to ride us into the air. But they actually gave them the names Octavia and Brutus.
Uncle Future: "Do you know the story of the original boy that had the name Arcane?"
Young Arcane: "Of Course". and he sort of gave Uncle Future a strange look like "What do you think I'm stupid or something?"
Uncle Future could only smile at Young Arcane's indignation. But Young Arcane was very well trained not to speak impolitely to Uncle Future or Celeste or anyone else.
Uncle Future Said, "How do you summon the Water Dragons?"
Young Arcane smiled: "With my mind!"
Uncle Future: "YOU must be quite talented to summon them with your mind. Not many people can do that even on New Deva!"
Young Arcane:" Yes. The Oracle of New Deva said I'm a really good sender."
Uncle Future: "Do you think you could send out so that everyone on New Deva could Hear you?"
Young Arcane: "I don't know. I never thought of doing that. I'd have to have a pretty good reason to do that and I don't at present."
Uncle Future smiled. Then he said, "The problem with us riding with you is that Celeste doesn't have gills so I'm worried about her doing this. What do you think Arcane?"
Young Arcane thought carefully about this and said, "I think she should wear a rebreather to replenish the oxygen she breathes but that she shouldn't wear a SCUBA tank because it could kill her by accident when she lands in the water. I also think since she cannot hold her water in her lungs to stay warm aloft that she should either wear a wet suit or a dry suit if she's going to fly with the rest of us.
Uncle Future: "Well said, young man. YOU really do know your stuff."
Young Arcane: "I'm an Eagle Sea Scout, Uncle Future. I have been well trained for any survival situation or any triage or first responder stuff here on New Deva."
Note regarding Reality Generators:
Aliens from other planets that don't look exactly like humans here or look very different use reality generators when living on or visiting Earth. But, New Deva is open to other species visiting and has gotten used to seeing aliens of all kinds as tourists or even some that live here for different periods of time. Though people would recognize some of the attributes that Old Arcane "Called Uncle Future" by Young Arcane so young Arcane doesn't fully get that Old Arcane is him grown up with a family because that wouldn't make any sense to Arcane at all because he is supposed to marry Arayin or AH Ray In. So, not wanting to confuse Arcane any more than absolutely necessary at this point for a variety of reasons he isn't telling young Arcane that he has started a 2nd timeline. However, Telling Ah Ray IN (and because she is an Empath Prophetess now knows too) was necessary to protect Ah Ray In from dying on this 2nd timeline. From my perspective what is interesting to me is that the Young Arcane on this new Timeline may or may not become a "Planet Saver". However, the Oracle of New Deva now understands that everything has changed time wise on the 2nd timeline for New Deva and for the planet Isfahel as well. But, as a result it is quite possible that Ah Ray In and Young Arcane will marry and possibly be happy unimpeded in their lives this time on the 2nd time line.
But, the point of Reality Generators is they are used on earth and were originally designed by scientists by analyzing organic shape shifters like Bigfoot species are on earth which is more common on other planets than here.
So, the organic ability to appear to be something else than you are is a relatively common attribute on many planets now. So, the technology of a "Reality Generator" is something commonly used on earth by visitors from other planets or dimensions. Most people wear this device about where you would wear a belt and it generates a field. Darcy's and Star's (old Arcane's kids) wear one all the time on Earth because they do not appear to be like normal earthlings because they are 1/2 New Devan. However, their tongues have been shortened so they can speak English and other Earth languages properly. Since they are likely going to spend most of their time on earth (at least growing up there) they need to feel like they can communicate with others young and old effectively. It allows a being to become more integrated into a society on a planet this way.
Also, a reality generator can be also worn underwater or in the rain with no ill effect the way it is designed.
End note.
The point being that millions of beings from other planets wear these devices on earth. I just thought you should know this. Most of them are good beings but there are always criminals too that slip into earth illegally that wear these too. Then the Galactic Time Guard often has to come to earth and repair time or His Oneness' Time Guards repair time or sometimes Arcane or others of Earth's United Nations Time Guard repair time or sometimes the U.S. or Russia or China or England or France or other nations repair time within their borders too.
So, today Darcy (12 and a boy) and Star 10 and a girl) aren't having to wear their Reality Generators because they are on New Deva the place of their father's birth.
They are underwater and are just waking up from dreaming while breathing underwater sleeping in the underwater hotel.
First Darcy tried to talk but that didn't work well because oxygen is going into the blood from sucking water into his mouth and out his gills but sound doesn't work without air and vocal cords very much underwater. This had been his first night sleeping under water in his life in an underwater hotel.
Star saw her brother try to talk underwater and then just laughed because she thought it was funny. Then Darcy started to laugh too so they just laughed for awhile thinking this all was pretty fun and funny waking up underwater with tropical fish swimming by. Then a fish swam up to Darcy and bit off one of his leg hairs and then they both laughed some more.
Note: By the way this is all taking place before the 2nd timeline started on Earth. This is in 2000 because Darcy was born in 1988 and Star was born in 1990 and mostly (even though they have already been all over the world and to other planets in Arcane's Green Sphere (and now His Oneness has one too only it has a blue aura instead of a green one) Arcane being an expert time traveler would know to have them leave during the night in Lahaina and only be gone for at most 1/2 second from their beds before they returned even if they all have been gone from earth up to 6 months or more at a time. So, you could call this an extended vacation which Arcane and Celeste Greatly needed because they had been working a lot most of their adult lives saving planets from extinction both New Deva and Earth and Celeste's home planet sometimes referred to as the "No Religion Planet" by people who didn't live there. But by the locals on her planet they often referred to it as "Utopia" planet.
So, this "Vacation" to get to know their children and each other better and to learn more about Arcane's home culture was very healing for all of them in various ways. It was healing for Celeste because she got to spend time not only with young Arcane but also previous incarnations of herself of Prophetess and Ah Ray In as well as Old Arcane and their children.
end note:
So, Darcy and Star are laughing a lot and Star telepaths to Darcy: "I think we need to telepath since talking isn't working."
Darcy: "Yes. Dad said that's why people are telepathic here on New Deva because they couldn't talk underwater, they could only write on a tablet with chalk or something to communicate but they also developed a hand signing system too for people who just weren't that good at clear telepathy. Some people are so dreamy they cannot be focused enough to have clear telepathic communications without it becoming a full soap opera or something."
Star: "Yes. I can see how that could be. Some of the girls minds at school in my class are like that whenever they see a boy they like they just get into some alternate reality where they likely couldn't telepath effectively unless it was to convey to that boy that they wanted him."
Darcy Smiled because he had experienced this too.
Darcy: "Yes Mom and Dad are just so focused all the time they taught us to think in very concise terms.
Star: "I like it here better than earth because we don't have to wear reality generators all the time, Darcy."
Darcy: "I like that too. But, I find this telepathic thing with everyone kind of creepy actually because I don't have to block my telepathy on earth but here people keep going into my mind because I'm an off worlder and I don't like it. It's like they are using my mind for television to be entertained or something."
Star: "OH. I didn't understand before now that that was what was happening but I felt it too. Now you've got me creeped out too."
Darcy: "DAd told me that you have to set up a force field around your whole body or people will do this here. He said he was so gifted this way that people were terrified of him because he could know literally anything about them and they couldn't hide anything from him at all. That's why the Oracle of New Deva knew he was a "World Saver" like the original Arcane and they named him what they did."
Star said, "Wow! Dad's even scarier than I thought."
Darcy: "But he's also a saint, Star. He would never hurt us because we are his kids."
Star: "It's sort of weird being the daughter of a Saint because on Earth Saints don't marry like they do here on New Deva usually.
Darcy had to think about this some. She was usually right about things like this.
They heard their mother call them for breakfast so they undid their seaweed that held them near their bed area that kept them from drifting away on the currents. The tropical fish scattered as they swam up to their mothers room. They pushed a button and an opening in the floor appeared and the climbed up through this "Glass?" opening in her glass floor to her air breather's room.
They had ordered Earth food for breakfast Lahaina style so they were happy because it was sort of like being home in Hawaii except that looking out the window the ocean was purple as they listened to the rollers of the ocean hit the sides of the Air breathers room.
Darcy talked first and said, "Star and I like it here a lot, Mom."
Celeste: "Actually, I do too."
Darcy: "Can we stay here longer. I feel safer here than on Earth, Mom."
Celeste: "Yes. many Scary things are going to happen on earth the next couple of years.
Darcy: "Are we going to be okay in Hawaii?
Celeste: "Yes. But you might not want to be in the Middle East for awhile."
Darcy: "But we've never been there."
Celeste: "Your father goes there a lot to prevent nukes from going off. He's really good at that.
Star: "I worry about Dad because his job is so dangerous."
Celeste: "You needn't really worry. Your Dad is Galactic Time Guard, even if he died on assignment he would be brought back to life through the alteration of time. It's just how things really are in the Galaxy."
Darcy's eyes got big and Star had a shocked look on her face.
Celeste: "How many people from earth get to go to New Deva in a past time while Arcane was growing up?"
Darcy: "No one I know of at least."
Star nodded but was shocked by what her mother had said.
Note: Since Arcane accidentally started a 3rd timeline without knowing it at the time by preventing Tech Noir's birth on Isfahel, he still had to end Tech Noir's soul living in body on Isfahel at the time Arcane and Ah Ray in were in their teens. So, one day Tech Noir didn't wake up on Isfahel. Did this create a 4th timeline? Likely not, but we will have to see what happens won't we?
But a new twist arrived for Old Arcane when he removed Tech Noir and gave his soul to Meridian to hopefully retrain him in a better direction as a soul on Earth in earth's purgatories.
What Old Arcane realized is that since Prophetess and Ah Ray IN now knew about what happened on the 1st timeline he was going to have to tell Young Arcane who he really was and that he had created a 2nd Timeline that Young Arcane now lived on. And that he had accidentally created a 3rd timeline by preventing Tech Noir's birth and that hopefully ending Tech Noir being alive in a body on the 2nd timeline didn't somehow create a 4th timeline. Of this he wasn't sure. maybe His Oneness on earth would be able to look at a Time Pool and know for sure. But, he wasn't sure if this would work for New Deva on this time line. Also, Old ARcane realized he didn't even know if there was a Time Lord on New Deva. Maybe the Oracle of New Deva could tell him?
What had he gotten himself into? Was the Oracle of New Deva going to tell him that Arcane was now the Time Lord of New Deva and what would that mean in relation to Young Arcane and his place in all this?
So, after returning from giving Tech Noir's soul to Meridian in an earth purgatory (a place in between lifetimes for people who harm other people while alive in a body who might have some hope of being turned to the good in their karmic streams still?). (However, Arcane was thinking Tech Noir's soul might be close to the 2nd death (the death of a soul) from all the harm on multiple planets he had caused by now as a soul.
So, returning to New Deva that day he had summoned Arcane regarding the water Dragons Octavia and Brutus. And he said to Young Arcane that he wanted to ride Brutus with Young Arcane. Young Arcane said: "Why?"
Uncle Future (old Arcane said convincingly: "I want my family to see how riding double or triple on a water dragon is done."
Little did Young Arcane know he was in for.
So, Uncle Future let Young Arcane be the controlling rider and Young Arcane was showing off for Arcane now.
As they both left the water with Octavia matching Brutus' flight. Arcane Screamed in English: "Arcane I'm You on a different Timeline than you are on!"
Arcane fell off Brutus at this point because he knew this was really really serious and because he knew something really bad had happened that he was going to find out.
When Young Arcane fell off of Brutus he also fainted from the shock so Arcane jumped off of Brutus and summoned the Green Sphere to pick them both up in the air.
Uncle Future radioed Celeste: "There's been an accident. Arcane fell off at altitude so I summoned the green Sphere to rescue him and I joined him. I think we might have to put off riding the water dragons a few days because of this accident."
Celeste told the children that though Arcane wasn't injured that he fell off at altitude and could have been killed and was still unconscious.
Uncle Future and Young Arcane sat in the green sphere as young Arcane woke up.
Uncle Future (Old Arcane said as young Arcane woke up). "I'm sorry I had to tell you this that I'm you on a different timeline."
Young Arcane said, "Why aren't we married to Ah Ray In? So, these are our children?"
Old Arcane said, " Yes. Are you ready for the full Truth?"
Young Arcane's eyes rolled up into his head in dread and said, "Something really bad happened, didn't it?"
Old Arcane: "Yes. It was unbelievably bad but you and I saved New Deva from being taken over by Tech Noir."
Young Arcane was suddenly interested and said, "Oh. I've heard of him. He's crazy. But he's still young, almost as young as me."
Old Arcane: "Yes. But he becomes more dangerous on the 1st timeline."
Young Arcane being much more soldier like now as he was trained to be as an Eagle Sea Scout said, " AH Ray In dies doesn't she?"
Old Arcane Nods his head and says: "Celeste is her next reincarnation. I met her on earth in the deep past."
Young Arcane: "This makes completely sense then. You married Ah Ray In's next incarnation. How did Ah Ray IN die on my timeline?"
Old Arcane: "She was invited as a diplomat to Isfahel and she decided to go. She was tortured to death by Tech Noir. I went with her and they captured me and separated me from her so I couldn't save her. The banished me to another time on Earth."
Young Arcane: "How did we defeat Tech Noir?"
Old Arcane: "Meridian of Earth trained me as an Earth Saint in addition to being a new Devan Saint."
Young Arcane: "And he gave you this Green Sphere?"
Old ARcane: "Yes. it can to go any space and time."
Young Arcane: "This is really amazing!"
But then the consequences of everything were appalling to him.
Old Arcane said, "Let me give you the last 50 years of my life since then."
Young Arcane said, "How old are you?"
Old Arcane: "I'm at least 100 years old right now but as a member of the Galactic Time Guard with my designation as a Galactic Saint I likely might never die."
Young Arcane: "Wow! But what happens to me now? You have done everything that I was supposed to do. What do I do?"
Old Arcane: "I think you might become the Time Lord of New Deva. Would you like to meet the Time Lord of Earth at some point?"
Young Arcane: "Sure. When?"
Old Arcane. "We need to go to the Oracle of New Deva right now so I can straighten some of this out."
Young Arcane: "I'm okay with this. Does Ah Ray IN know all this too in this time line?"
Old Arcane: "This is why I realized today I had to tell you of all this because she wouldn't be allowed by Betrothal conventions on New Deva to keep this from you. And it wasn't her place to tell you it was mine, one of your future selves?"
Young Arcane: "How many of us are there?"
Old Arcane: "I'm not sure right now."
Young Arcane started laughing at this point. He thought this was amazingly funny that the Galactic Time Guard Arcane didn't know how many Arcanes there might be now.
Immediately they arrived at the Office of the Oracle of New Deva in his living quarters.
The Oracle said, "What is this Arcane?"
Old ARcane: "I telepathed as much as I could but I had to clue in Young Arcane into all the time changes."
The Oracle said, "Does he know everything?"
Old Arcane: "NO. He only knows about Ah Ray In's torture and death so far."
The Oracle looked into Young Arcane and said, "I think that's all he can contain for today."
Old ARcane said: "I abide by your Judgement then. However, I have a question for you. Do you foresee Young Arcane becoming Time Lord of Earth?
The Oracle said, "HE and I will work as Time Lord of Earth until he becomes 25 then he will be the first Time Lord of New Deva. I have discussed this already with the Galactic Sentience as well as His Oneness Time Lord of Earth how to set all this up."
The Oracle put Young Arcane to sleep with his mind and said, "Uncle Future, you need to let him rest I think he might need to sleep for a week to process all the changes to his timeline now."
Old Arcane said; "Whatever you think best for now since the two of you are now Time Lords of New Deva for now."
The Oracle said, "Thank you again for freeing both planets from Tech Noir, Arcane on however many timelines we now have!"
Old Arcane: "I didn't intend to create so many potential timelines."
The Oracle: "Well. It gives our culture more chances to survive now like Earth."
Old Arcane nodded and disappeared letting Young Arcane sleep.
Old Arcane returned to Celeste at his favorite underwater hotel to Celeste's Air Breather room and held her as the sun set and cried and she understood.
She knew Arcane could make really good decisions for himself and everyone around him but at a terrible cost internally. This was the way of all truly Great men and Women and she understood this as well or better than Old Arcane did.
Arcane then said through his tears: "Did I do the Right thing, Celeste?"
Celeste: "Everything I know about what you did was the right thing to do. Even the Galactic Sentience cannot fault you even when you added maybe a few time lines by accident. After all, he approved the first (new) timeline beyond the regular one. However, he's going to expect you to straighten out any kinks over time too. If there are snags you will be responsible to help the Oracle and Young Arcane work things out somehow."
Arcane began thinking strategically about all this and realized everything had changed now he was not only a resident of the original New Deva timeline, he was the resident of all New Deva Timelines.
Arcane laughed: "I just realized we could live in any timeline but the first one after I saved Isfahel and New Deva from Tech Noir now!"
Celeste cringed a little because she was sort of attached to living on earth now with her children and Arcane and said, "I don't want to live here more than 1/2 of the time, Arcane, but I do know it is very psychologically healthy for the children not to have to wear Reality shifting Belts all the time. That is a really hard thing for them to do every single day. Also, how are they going to feel if they date Earth born humans in the future? Will they only be able to date New Devans and even then be thought less than because they have surgically altered shorter tongues so they could speak English and other Earth languages effectively?"
Arcane said, "Celeste, I've obviously brought up a can of worms I'm not ready to deal with I realize right now."
Celeste laughed and said, "Neither am I. Let's just watch the sunset. We have the rest of our lives together to work all this out now."
They both sighed at this thought and watched the sunset together. The kids came up to see what was happening and watched the sunset too. It was beautiful.
About a week later the Oracle of New Deva Summoned Old Arcane.
So, Arcane visited the Oracle in his Green Sphere since this would likely be some kind of official business of some kind. So, he needed to be prepared literally for anything.
The Oracle and Young Arcane were there.
Old Arcane said, "How are you doing Arcane?"
Young Arcane: "I'm a lot different than before. For example, there are many Arcanes now not just one with this same soul. So, it looks sort of like we all are brothers working for the same ends."
Old Arcane smiled: "I had hoped for this outcome."
Young Arcane led Old Arcane into the chambers of the Oracle of New Deva.
The Oracle seemed sort of worried and asked young Arcane to close the door behind Old Arcane.
The Oracle: "I informed the Galactic Sentience about what had happened and he has decided he wants to train Young Arcane here to be a "Oneness" like "His Oneness of Earth" which might change how things work here on New Deva a lot in the future. It appears having more than one timeline is more complicated and less simple in a variety of ways."
Old Arcane: "Yes. I'm sorry this is the case. I've run into this sort of thing on earth already while training Time Cadres for the United Nations starting after World War II in the Swiss Alps in caverns under the Alps."
The Oracle: "Yes. The Galactic Sentience mentioned you had to do this because of the invention of atomic weapons on earth."
Old Arcane: "Well. It's a dicey business at best watching nukes go off and then changing time so people don't die. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were only left intact to make sense of earthlings but many other nukes also went off between especially 1945 and 1955 or 1960 and ongoing. We just had to change time a lot."
The Oracle: "Nuclear weapons aren't allowed on New Deva."
Old Arcane: "Yes. It's true but one could consider Tech Noir to be a Time Nuclear bomb that had to be stopped."
The Oracle: "Yes. That's what the Galactic Sentience said too."
Old Arcane: "That's interesting that he sounds like I'm talking.
The Oracle said, "When you went to earth the Galactic Sentience downloaded all your memories since birth into his gigantic perception of the universe, so a part of him is now a direct duplicate of you, Arcane."
Arcane Shuddered: "Well. This is a full Creator. WE may all be Souls of creators incarnating into humanoid types of bodies but remember the Galactic Sentience is a full Creator soul which is sort of like 1 million or more human beings rolled into one. Or even more than that."
It was time for the Oracle to shudder at the thought.
The Oracle: "Yes. This is overwhelming to contemplate actually isn't it?"
Old Arcane: "Is it okay for young Arcane to listen to all this? It won't harm his future?"
The Oracle: "No. Arcane is becoming like an Emperor or King of New Deva because of his likely going through a training of a "Oneness".
Old Arcane: "Yes. His Oneness of Earth from Lemuria has talked to me a little about what that was like."
The Oracle: "There are no wars here Arcane now that you eliminated Tech Noir from the timeline. Do we really need a "Oneness"?
Old Arcane: "From a Galactic Time Guard perspective the answer would be 'yes'."
The Oracle: "Why?"
Old Arcane: "Well. It's sort of like this. When timelines start to get altered in any way from the original and you have the possibility of 2 or more timelines living constantly together, there are certain things that you need a Oneness for to watch out for. You See, a Oneness is usually given a Time Pool."
The Oracle: "What's a Time Pool?"
Old Arcane was on his biocom to The Galactic Time Guards near the center of the Galaxy asking for guidance here.
Yes. the answer came back "both the Oracle and Young Arcane do need to know about Time Pools since they are both going to be Time Lords of Earth at least until Young Arcane is 25 years of age.
Arcane sighed in relief.
Old Arcane: "I have been authorized by the Galactic Time Guard to share this with you because you both will be Time Lords of New Deva until young Arcane is installed as full Time Lord when he is 25 years of age.
The Oracle Looked worried again: "This has changed somewhat too. It seems that Young Arcane needs to be trained and his training will begin with His Oneness and you today."
Old Arcane looked startled but also understood what was happening too. A "Oneness" represents the Galaxy and the Galactic Sentience in a Satellite Government on whatever planet that "Oneness" is installed as Leader of the planet. Even the Oracle of New Deva would then have to answer to the "Oneness" that 'Young Arcane would represent.
Old Arcane: "Are you worrying that New Deva just lost it's sovereignty because of me and Ah Ray In and my saving her life on the first time line?"
The Oracle: "Yes."
Old Arcane: "But it was never my intention to do this."
The Oracle: "May I speak privately to you about this Old ARcane?"
Old Arcane: "Yes."
The Oracle: "I think that it's possible that the Galactic Sentience knew that when Tech Noir killed Ah Ray In that he might have suspected that this might be the end outcome."
Old Arcane: "That's quite possible. There is no mind presently as developed and relatively speaking more developed not retired at present in the Galaxy that is a Creator."
The Oracle: "What do you think about all this?"
Old Arcane: "Well. Speaking to you as a Galactic Saint I would have to say that everything is constantly changing in the Galaxy in all sorts of ways. And for whatever the reason new time lines get created anywhere it is much safer for the survival of the Galaxy that a "Oneness" be there to supervise that is perfectly in sync with the Galactic Sentience in some ways."
The Oracle: "He says the Onenesses of all these thousands of planets are sort of like his children."
Old Arcane: "From what I've seen this is kind of how it works. For example, I just learned recently that people who are too polite in the wrong ways sometimes are incinerated on the spot by the Galactic Sentience."
The Oracle: "It's about having the clarity of truth to where any even white lies are not acceptable to the Galactic Sentience. I can understand that from speaking with him at length.
Old Arcane: "In some ways you are much like a "Oneness" yourself and all the previous Oracles of New Deva were too. Just to be able to communicate with him without incineration you have learned how to communicate effectively with him just like "His Oneness" of Earth."
The Oracle nodded. He let out a sigh realizing that he and all the previous Oracles of new Deva had already learned to be "Onenesses". He could let it all go now.
Old Arcane: "You are defending the realm of New Deva, Oracle. Don't be too hard on yourself.
All this has to be done."
The Oracle: "I can let it all go now that I fully understand it enough."
Old Arcane: "Good".
Now that we solved this problem somewhat can I explain to you and Young Arcane what a "Time Pool" is?
The Oracle and Young Arcane Nodded because they were in perfect psychic sync which was good for now. It allowed them to communicate telepathically without interrupting Old Arcane or anything else that was going on in the present.
Old Arcane: "Well. Imagine something that is basically the size of a small pool only it is a special kind of technology."
The Oracle: "So, it is literally a pool of some kind?"
Old Arcane: "Well. It can be. Or I suppose you could turn a Flat Screen of Earth that is sometimes used for TV in the near future that could be as big as a building into one too.
The Oracle: "So, the pool can be any size?"
Old Arcane: "It depends upon the need and how many people need to see time changes in real time. One of the reasons it's called a "Time Pool" is that it registers "Time Waves" which are like waves on the ocean but they travel through time instead of across an ocean."
The Oracle: "So a time pool doesn't just see one time it sees all time on a planet?"
Old ARcane: "It can be set up to do almost anything. But, it's most useful aspect is that it can track the source of unwanted anomalies in time. So, like if a Space alien criminal gets to earth or to New Deva he can be tracked down by the anomalies he or she or it would naturally create by being there."
"So, eventually that space criminal could be tracked down and removed one way or another."
The Oracle: "What about Earth or New Devan Criminals?"
Old Arcane: "Same thing. They cannot hide from a time pool either. However, there are only certain circumstances that we would interfere with a EArth or New Devan Born criminal."
The Oracle: "Why is that?"
Old Arcane: "Because of karma and souls. If we over regulate no one learns anything while incarnated in a physical form anywhere."
The Oracle Nodded and began to understand what a time pool was for.
Young Arcane looked kind of ill. This was too much for a teenager to take in fully at least yet.
Old Arcane looked at Young ARcane and said, "Are you okay?"
Young Arcane being an honest teenager just said, "I have no idea what to do with this information."
Old Arcane and the Oracle just smiled at this. Old Arcane said, "You will in time."
Young Arcane tried not to laugh because it seemed funny to him.
The Oracle said, "I think this is enough for now. You need to take Young Arcane to meet His Oneness if you have time today. His Oneness is waiting.
Old Arcane: "Have you both had lunch yet?"
The Oracle: "Why is that important?"
Old Arcane: "My green sphere can go to any place but also any time instantly. For example, I could wait 1000 years then come get Young Arcane this moment and take him to see "His Oneness" at literally any point in time or place."
The Oracle: "It must be pretty important this time. His Oneness of Earth is coming right now in his Blue Sphere."
Old Arcane rolled his eyes and smiled again.
The Oracle: "Did you give him the blue sphere?"
Old Arcane: "No. Meridian on earth did but I helped make it happen by asking Meridian for him."
The Oracle: "Amazing!"
Here is a word button to Chapter 14. I finally realized you needed this to be more helpful:
To the best of my ability I write about my experience of the Universe Past, Present and Future
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