Saturday, September 1, 2018

Be a Survivor

The more things you survive in your life the more likely you will survive the future problems you encounter too.

There is a story of how men wore bellbottom pants as historical sailors who were English or Americans and others. The real reason for wearing bellbottom pants was NOT the look but rather the fact that if your ship sank or if you fell overboard at sea, you took off your pants and if the water wasn't too cold you put air in your bells and you used them as a life preserver so you didn't drown.

Often during battles when ships often sank, younger men under about 20 to 25 would drown because they would panic because they hadn't survived enough in their lives yet. But men older who had already survived all sorts of terrible things often just calmed down and filled their bells with air and stayed calm enough to survive simply because they knew if they remained calm and rationed their energies they might just survive.

So, in life, staying calm is often staying alive in emergencies. If you can remain cool when everyone else is losing their heads in one way or another often you can find a way somehow to survive almost anything too.

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