Monday, September 24, 2018

How people have always been controlled on earth by governments, Emperors, Kings and Queens

There is a course called Social Psychology which is basically the study of how to control people that people often study at elite colleges around the world. But, let me sum it up for you. First people were controlled by religions and dreams and now people are controlled by Atheistic Thoughts and dreams too. So, you can either control people by their fears of offending God or you can control people by their fear of death.

Strangely enough, suicide is a part of religion and a part of atheism too but in different ways. Often people kill themselves because of their religion because they feel they did something wrong in God's eyes so they don't deserve to be alive so they kill themselves. This isn't useful.

Then people kill themselves also because they are terrified all the time because they don't believe in anything so people who are atheists often kill themselves because they have no real purpose for staying alive.

I think it's really important to analyze the people around you and  to categorize them into either masters or slaves. I do this every day when I look at people. The point is you never want to follow a slave unless it is to your death. And you probably don't want to follow a master either because they are just a master of controlling people for their own selfish ends.

So, I guess what I'm saying here is think for yourself because you often cannot trust the motivations of those around you.

It's not that I would call any of them bad people, it's just that most people are misguided. And by the time they figure it out it's too late and they are near death.

So, the only one you can trust is yourself. But, I find it's good to be kind to all people no matter how ignorant they are. You just have to realize the PTSD problems in their lives have made them act in ways that might be counterproductive to your own survival.

So, it's not that anyone is absolutely bad. They, however, might be absolutely crazy and many people are really good at hiding this, (especially from themselves). So, people who are hiding their own craziness from themselves are the scariest of all because they may seem so very sincere because they really are. But, since they are lying to themselves they cannot help but lie to you too.

But, despite all this, seeing mankind as basically children that you need to be kind to I find is the best general approach. And the Tibetan Saying is the best of all:

"Show kindness to both friends and enemies because often friends become enemies and enemies become friends over time."

So, by being kind to all beings they might be there for you to save your life one day too even as you might save their lives before this.

By God's Grace

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