Monday, October 7, 2019

The importance of Belief Systems

I have had to deal with a lot of near death experiences in my life starting at age 2. And I thought it might be important to address how very important belief systems here at this point.

Why did so many people in the past believe in God or Gods and not as much now here on earth?

Partly, it was because they could count on nothing if they couldn't count on their God or Gods.

Today people have more advanced medical care (if they have insurance or won't go bankrupt using it) worldwide. People have education that can explain things scientifically to them. But, that doesn't stop them from being depressed. People often think they are supposed to be happy all the time. But, if you study history how could anyone really be happy when their wives and children were being murdered or raped and then killed like happened to many people along the way for thousands and thousands of years.

So, though we have advanced medical care (we might not be eligible for insurance and cannot access it because it would bankrupt us and then we die without that care).

Now we might have good relationships but then someone dies or changes and then they are gone in one way or another.

So, in some ways all people still have is their belief systems to keep them going when all else fails them.

Think about it in this way: "Why were religions invented in the first place?"

Mostly to keep children and young adults from jumping off a cliff the first time a friend or father or . mother or sister died or was suffering something awful. The reality is that this is really why religions were invented in the first place sort of like Disney movies to tell as stories to calm people down when things were bad.

So, if the stories kept people from jumping off of cliffs and dying or whatever and this stopped whole chain reactions of suicides throughout multiple families Romeo and Juliet style, maybe religions and even Disney movies served a good social purpose (at least in their original intent).

I think people need to recognize just how important believing in something (ANYTHING) can be to keeping families and groups of people like Tribes and countries alive and ongoing.

By God's Grace

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