Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Goldwater, the most ethical Republican Senator told Nixon he had to resign in 1974

And I don't know who it will be but for the good of the Republican party and the nation it is quite likely that the Republican party will find someone (maybe Linsey Graham) that will tell president Trump he needs to resign for his own good and the good of the country and most of all for the good of the Republican party which is being completely ethically destroyed by him like is was by Nixon.

I grew up a Conservative Republican and Nixon Caused me to never vote Republican ever again. I became an independent instead in 1974. This is now happening to many young idealistic Republicans now too. So, it is useful to say that Trump is the "Death by Corruption" of the Republican party just like Nixon was the death of the Republican party was in 1974. It is obvious to everyone. IF Trump stays in office the Republican party dies a terrible death. This is obvious now.

So, they need an ethical Goldwater kind of person (maybe Linsey Graham) or someone else to tell Trump if he doesn't resign it will doom the Republican party, just like Goldwater told Nixon way back when. Though Nixon had psychological problems he was still a patriot and listened to Goldwater.

Though Trump isn't a patriot it is my hope that he understands the damage he has done to the U.S. and to the world in his presidency and to know he has to resign for the good of the U.S. and the world.

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