Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Having compassion for yourself

one often does things to increase their sanity and their lifespan by changing their diet to a better one which includes organic foods and eliminating all GMO foods which sterilize the human race within a generation or two of eating GMO foods or they kill children allergic to these Genetically modified organisms pretty regularly now, especially in North, South and Central America where they are allowed to kill children unlike most of the rest of the world which has outlawed genetically modified foods of all kinds.

So, having compassion for oneself one increases their sanity and wisdom and health by diet and exercise and this then also tends to increase their lifespans as well. Also, by traveling interesting and beautiful places one also increases ones lifespan as well.

This allows the next generations to also benefit from your wisdom so they can live longer and more useful lives too and it also makes it possible for more generations to find ways to live here on earth despite Global Climate changes ongoing.

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