Wednesday, November 6, 2019

I keep getting notifications that another computer is using my IP address

As I understand it your IP address is the number used to identify your personal or business computer that you are using right now. And when someone clones or mimics your number often they are up to no good and that what they do at your address could legally affect you in some way or ways. So, whenever I am notified I find it useful to notify (the powers that be) that I'm aware that someone is cloning or mimicking my IP address on a laptop or desktop that I might be presently using. Your computer has only ONE IP address any time it opens up when you turn it on for going online. Though as I understand it your IP address can change in some sort of random or consistent way according to the programming of your computer and software. So, I'm notifying legal authorities wherever they might be on earth that I'm aware that I'm being notified of this illicit cloning of my IP address or mimicking of my IP address by someone possibly nefarious.

begin quote from:

About IP addresses

An IP address (short for Internet Protocol address) is used to identify computers on the Internet. It works like a return address would on a piece of mail.

How IP addresses work

When your computer or device sends a request, like a search on Google, it tags the request with your IP address. That way Google knows where to send the response.

How Google uses your IP address

Your IP address is usually based on a real-world location. Google might use your IP address to guess where you are and give you local results.
For example, Google could use your IP address to give you the weather forecast for the town you're in when you search for weather.

What an IP address looks like

Your IP address will be a number, like or 2001:db8:0:1234:0:567:8:1.

Find your IP address

When you search what is my IP on Google Search, you’ll see the IP address of the computer or device where you did the search.
Find your IP address

end quote.

I'm more familiar with IP addresses that look like this: than the 2nd form listed above.

In the first form I remember from studying Network engineering in 1998 before I had my heart virus that it would be 3 numbers then a dot, then up to 3 numbers and then a dot and up to 3 numbers and then a dot and I guess the last one is presently 1 number but at some point could be as many as 3 numbers.

And each of these "Fields of information" has a meaning like where the computer was made or where you are or regions that your computer generally transmits from or more localized information like exactly where you are now anywhere on earth (even though hackers can pretend to by anywhere by mimicking IP addresses the other side of the world from any location on earth.

So, it also is important for you to know that anyone who knows any of this stuff can track you and your computer to exactly to your location where you are right now from anywhere on earth. This is important to know too just using your IP address. This is why hackers mimic IP addresses so they will never be found. (or almost never).

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