Tuesday, November 12, 2019

I remember when red tides were fun and didn't bring so much death as now

I remember a red tide occurring off of Redondo Beach at a place where the cliffs are near Palos Verdes that was or is called by locals "Rat Beach" for whatever the reason. I remember being there with friends (some who lived in Palos Verdes) then in 1969 in the summer time and when we went into the water at night to body surf as a group there was a red tide. I had never heard of a red tide then and what I noticed was the fish causing the water to glow. A friend who lived then in Palos Verdes showed me how to move my hands through the water and it became very bright and iridescent from the red tide in the water. So, from our point of view the red tide that night was mostly a fun experience to be remembered for a lifetime of splashing and making the water bright with iridescence sort of like thousands of fireflies in the ocean where you could see fish swim by too which also caused iridescence underwater as well. Amazing experience then in 1969!

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