Friday, November 22, 2019

Leisure to practice can create Spontaneous accomplishment

When I realized that Leisure to Practice was a real thing I began to pray for Leisure to practice in my life. So, I began to pray for the Leisure to Practice around 1980 and it came in 1998 with a heart virus that forced my retirement. "God Moves in Mysterious ways!"

So, I was as surprised as everyone else when the angels came for me and I thought I was going to die and they started saying in unison ("You aren't going to die! Your life will get better now!"

At the time when you believe you might be dying this is a little hard to take from the angels but they convinced all the cells of my body that this was true so I didn't die at this moment in time. They obviously wanted me to know I wasn't going to die (even though this is what appeared to be happening to me at the time).

So, 8 months later after I was forced to retire so I didn't die I had Leisure to practice which also lead to "Spontaneous Accomplishment" which is what I wanted and had prayed for in the first place. Because I had long before realized that "the Leisure to Practice" often also leads to "Spontaneous Accomplishment" which is what Buddha and Jesus were doing when they were around which is why their teachings are still followed around the world today 2500 and 2000 years later.

When you have Spontaneous Accomplishment this jus means you are moving in sync with angels and God 24 hours a day and this creates "Infinite Grace" in all life around you often for 10, 100, 1000 miles or all over the whole planet expanding out into infinity.

When Spontaneous Accomplishment is happening you can feel it because everything is in perfect sync around you in these moments or days or years of your life, just like it was for Buddha and Jesus 2000 plus years ago now.

So, getting to this place of both enlightenment, angelic help and synchronicity is what helps the human race not to go extinct before their time also.

By moving in Spontaneous Accomplishment you engage with the Angels so heavens begin to manifest here on earth more and more around the world.

Learning to do this helps all life on earth and spreads out to help all life in the Past, Present and Future of the entire universe.

by God's Grace

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