Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Impeachment isn't a popularity contest it is about Justice for our nation's future

Impeachment isn't about winning points in popularity contest it is about trying to maintain our constitutional form of government in the face of a criminal and a tyrant. So, it isn't about being popular or making everyone like you. Judges in courts are not there to make people like them either. They are there hopefully to do the right thing for everyone but this isn't always possible. But still, they have to try at least.

So, in this case Trump is a criminal and an obvious criminal and people who support him demonstrate that they are criminals too for supporting what he does. The American people in the long run will try this case and if they are wrong millions of them will die like thousands already are from various reasons.

This is a situation that if you don't make the right decisions for the long run, everything is lost including our democracy in a Republic. Who is right and who is wrong? Only history can judge.

People have to make their minds up with the information they have right now. And they may or may not be enough information to make good decisions.

But, life is always like this. Most of the time we are ALL making decisions without enough good information.

Hopefully, our nation will Survive Trump somehow!

This is my hope but I'm not too convinced it will at present.

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