Sunday, December 8, 2019

When I first saw a laptop computer:

I knew I wanted one because my desktop would be mobile and I could take it everywhere I wanted to go. My first foray into Laptops I believe was a PC Laptop not an apple laptop though but within a few years I started buying Macbook pro laptops and have never gone back to PCs. I liked that Apple stuff didn't crash at all unless it was dead and then you had to take it to an Apple Store (or whatever was available then in the early 2000s.

When IPads came out I got one just like everyone else, but for me they didn't work well for blogging which is one of the main things I do on computers along with a lot of research into whatever I'm presently interested that day or moment.

I like a laptop because as long as I have the time I can study literally anything at any moment as long as I either have data for my Iphone or I have an internet connection for my macbook pro. One of my first macbook pro laptops lasted almost 10 years which was amazing to me that anything was that well made in the computer field. In fact, it still works now, I just don't use it as much now. One of the things I wish there were more of on Macbook pros is USB ports. For me, this is one of the drawbacks on the newer ones. I think my 2015 version has only one USB port which isn't enough for me.

But, laptops are great! I have blogged while flying across the U.S. because you can do this now with your laptop on some airlines which can be great fun. But, the other thing I have found is on some airlines watching a movie is better on their little IPAD things they give you already preprogrammed rather than the hassle of doing it yourself which is very hit or miss on your own device often.

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