Monday, April 6, 2020

5G and really strong wifi may not be safe for you and your family

 I would like to preface this by saying it's sort of like riding or driving a Prius or other hybrid or all electric. You might ride in one once in awhile without it affecting your immune system and health. But, if you are driving 1 hour to work and home every day or your kids are too that can be harmful to you over time to your health and immune system.

However, if you are really serious about having a hybrid or all electric car you are going to have to install lead shielding between you and any generators or motors on a hybrid like a Prius or lead shielding between you and the electric motors and batteries on an all electric like a Tesla.

What type of shielding should you have installed?

I'm thinking that the same type of shielding that you wear while getting your teeth x-rayed in your dentists office might be useful. But, without this you are endangering yourself and your family long term if you drive very much. But, I wouldn't worry as much if I it is just 5 minutes to work and 5 minutes back to home. It's when you are driving 1 hour or more a day that you could get sick or your kids within 10 to 20 years of this. It's just something you need to be aware of.

Because of this I won't own an all electric or hybrid car and if I'm forced to own one at some point I will install or have installed lead shielding like I'm writing about here to stay safe ongoing or myself and my passengers.

The same is true of things like 5G especially if you live in a big city where it is everywhere. I'm thinking it is one of the factors in higher coronavirus deaths in large cities like New York City where 5G is everywhere. Because something that strong is going to reduce people's immune systems.

For example, if you live in suburbia or further away from large metropolises you might be okay. It's when the concentrations of senders and receivers of 5G are literally everywhere that your immune system doesn't even have a chance of being very strong.

So, is 5G part of the cause of all the deaths from coronavirus in New York City?

I'd have to say yes. Because the power of 5G is going to reduce your immune systems capacity to fight of the coronavirus, especially in places like Times Square which would likely be the epicenter on earth for 5G and the most lethal to human immune systems.

Let me share an experience that we had with a security company here on the west coast. We had one night what I thought was a raccoon trying to climb up onto the roof near one of our bathrooms near  my wife and my bedroom. So, I just thought it was a raccoon that fell while climbing onto our roof by the noise. However, the next day when I went out to get into my 4WD truck someone had removed the windshield wipers which I thought was really crazy in itself because that made no sense.

Then I walked over since now I knew something was wrong and walked over to the window where I thought the raccoon had fallen off in the night and saw that the screen to the window had been carefully removed and placed against the house the way a human would.

So, because of these two incidents together I knew it wasn't a raccoon that had removed my windshield wipers on my truck or removed carefully the screen on the window. Then our neighbor who my wife contacted who is a retired Los Angeles Detective for the Sheriff's office said his stuff had been messed with on his property too.

So, my wife got scared because of all this whereas I just thought it was someone really drunk or high on something or just insane because it didn't make any logical sense to me what had happened. So, I just thought: "Oh. Someone was high and out of their mind and did this!"

So, I just went skiing after that because the snow was good. However, my wife I guess was scared and while I was gone had a 3500 dollar security system installed while I was gone.

But then, I realized it created the same kinds of problems that a 5G system would because it had several transmitters between the outdoor motion sensor video cameras. As an intuitive I told her: "I can't live with the transmission levels because they are making me sick!"

But, she wouldn't listen to me. So, I just lived with this awful experience for about a week when she got into an argument with her best friend and they haven't spoken now in over a year. AT that point I realized I needed to do something and I unplugged all the motion sensor cameras and all the security systems and kept them unplugged ever since and I was okay.

I couldn't repair her friendship because they had destroyed that but I could keep myself and my wife healthy by unplugging everything she had had installed.

I've been happy ever since I did this.

So, this is my experience with transmissions in my home I didn't want anymore. Because of this I will NEVER install 5G in my home or have anything to do with it after this experience.

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