Wednesday, April 1, 2020

IF you don't have a mask:

A bandana or a scarf might help people now. It's mostly a cultural thing we are dealing with because we associate masks with criminals in English and European culture and the Wild West here in the U.S.

So, wearing a mask is associated with criminal behaviors in the western world.

So, getting people in the western world to wear masks is culturally difficult.

The other problem is you do not want to take away from doctors and nurses their masks. So, it would be better to make your own masks.

For example, my son and his wife and son are having masks made by my youngest daughter's room mate who is an expert seamstress for costume design and has a degree in this from an Oregon University.

So, she is now sewing masks for her relatives and friends.

If you can sew this might be a good idea right now to help prevent the spread of coronavirus.

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