Saturday, April 4, 2020

what is the advantage of home schooling or independent study?

The main advantage is it creates kids who are self starters and who study what they are actually interested in. For example, my biological son who is now 46 studied and learned to read through his Dungeons and Dragons books. He would bring the book to me and ask me what the name of a picture was at ages 5 or 6 and I would tell him what it said. So, this is how through doing what he loved he learned about reading and writing came from this eventually too. My stepson was interested in art and birding through the Audabon society through his grandmother who he visited often. So, this was his focus of identifying rare and common birds. I will never forget when we drove by Grass Lake on our way to Lava beds national monument to see the petroglyphs as a field trip then.

He blurted out: "There's an immature white pelican!" We all laughed at the time because we were hundreds of miles from the ocean. But later, we learned that this is where white pelicans go I believe to breed during some parts of the year. So, actually he was right!"

So, amazing things we were able to do with our children while home schooling them while living off the grid on 2 1/2 acres of land in an A-frame my father and I and my wife and kids and friends of the family all built together for about 5 years from around 1980 to 1985 when my stepson the oldest turned 12 and wanted to go back to a regular school. So, we bought a business in the SF bay area and returned to civilization. It wasn't good for my wife and I to leave Mt. Shasta but it gave all our kids the start in life that they needed. And now they are all successful and married and I have a grandson as a result.

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