Sunday, May 17, 2020

We were concerned that we forgot our masks but we knew we had to figure out a way forward to create a mask

My son-in-law was very upset we forgot our masks getting out of the door to the farmer's market. I had napkins in the glove box but we realized they wouldn't really work. He came up with the idea of taking my Pendleton wool shirt and I tied the arms of the shirt around the back of his neck as a mask. Then he went into Home Depot to buy masks but Home Depot had donated all their masks to local hospitals so doctors and nurses didn't have to die without enough PPE (masks and gear to protect them). So, he wore my Pendleton shirt into the store and found a package of cleaning rags he bought for around 10 dollars. Then we took 2 cleaning rags and tied them together at the corners to make one mask and then repeated this so we both had masks. Since 10 dollars buys a whole lot of cleaning rags I left the package in my truck in case we forgot our masks some other time we go out to buy something.

So, if you forget your masks don't get angry just get resourceful so you don't get so angry you shoot someone. I wouldn't do this but I know some people are very proud and don't like to be called on what they have forgotten to do. Your pride shouldn't mean you have to shoot a security guard just doing their job or another store employee.

In other countries you might be horrified by my feeling I have to write this. But, here in the U.S. we are very polite partly because almost anyone could be carrying a gun, either legally or illegally depending upon where you are out an about while driving or shopping or on business.

So, in the U.S. if you aren't polite to other people often you might wind up shot or even dead here.

So, if you visit the U.S. you must always be polite to people, especially when you are driving in a car. Because that is where it gets the worst usually.

In other words you need to be a defensive driver but also a polite driver if you know what I mean to survive here in the U.S.

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