Saturday, June 20, 2020

Death does not know politics

In other words Trump's rally goers have been misinformed about their chances of getting coronavirus. In a previous blog post it is expected presently that at least 20 people going to this rally will die after being infected at this rally.

So, do those 20 who will die from this rally understand that Trump murdered them by asking them come to this rally?

Also, indirectly from this rally thousands could die over the coming months and years not only here in the U.S. but worldwide. Do those thousands who will die from those who will become infected today worldwide know that Trump has killed them in the future?

Just because Trump's carelessness is murdering his followers one by one doesn't mean you should be one of those killed by his carelessness worldwide.

This is the quote from CNN regarding the problem in the following link or word button:

Potential risk of Trump's Rally today

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