Thursday, June 18, 2020

Do all Americans actually have the discipline to survive Coronavirus? Probably not.

People who survive the coronavirus mostly are very self disciplined and have some financial means at their disposal like owning businesses or stocks. People who have to work indoors in a 9 to 5 kind of environment are the most vulnerable to getting coronavirus. People going to rallies or sports events or concerts also would be very vulnerable to getting coronavirus. People getting drunk are extremely vulnerable to coronavirus, especially in a bar or other entertainment venues.

So, only the most self disciplined people likely will survive all this unscathed.

However, I also believe that worldwide for every one that dies of coronavirus 10 will starve to death from it. So, if you see third world countries numbers of dead first you have to multiply at least by 3 to get an actual count from the tested deaths and untested deaths combined and then you have to multiply that figure by 10 to get how many likely will die there from starvation in that 3rd world country and as the numbers go up using this method you can estimate how many are dead from tested and untested and how many have or will starve to death at each and every point worldwide in all countries that are 3rd world countries.

One of the saddest things about 3rd world countries is all the economic progress made by the middle Class and poor during the last 10 to 20 years has been lost to coronavirus now. So, this too will cause countless people to starve worldwide as well. The real disaster is not even coronavirus it is how many people are going to starve worldwide during the next 2 to 5 years worldwide.

5 years from now if you take whatever tested death figure they give you and multiply that by 3 and then multiply that by 10 you will know how many starved to death worldwide at least for 3rd world nations at that point.

It is presently estimated that at least 250 to 350 million people are going to starve to death worldwide because of coronavirus in the next 12 months mostly in 3rd world nations worldwide.

That would make sense because I believe the tested and untested deaths a year from now worldwide might be 25 to 35 million tested and untested deaths. So, the estimate of 250 to 350 million starving to death makes sense too in the next 12 months.

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