Monday, June 8, 2020

It's true I can't prove to you that 100 million plus people under the guise of coronavirus are being abducted to colonize other planets by aliens

But, it is also true that you cannot prove to me that this isn't happening. If you are a science fiction author by the way, this is an interesting scenario. If you were an aliens species would you portal them off, fly them off or Star Gate them off? (I suppose Star Gating them off and Portalling them off would be the same thing in all this, wouldn't it?

However, by making people shelter in place it would make it easier to abduct people by any means at all. It also would make it easier for nations to do "ALMOST ANYTHING" without anyone seeing it happen too by the way, especially if it happened where people don't ordinarily live much.

IF everyone is indoors reading a book or watching TV or talking or sleeping or whatever it means "NO ONE IS WATCHING WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON ANYWHERE ON EARTH!"

So almost anything could be happening but the public isn't watching it happen folks these past few months!

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