Thursday, June 18, 2020

Studying Tibetan Buddhism for me was like understanding Spirituality in a scientific way

Buddhist philosophy tends to be very scientific in it's approach. However, it's also true that like all religions there are people within it that become dogmatic in their approaches and this is harmful just like it is in all religions in which people do this.

But, since I already had a scientific approach to spirituality the pragmatism of most Tibetan Lamas I studied with I found very very helpful. They also tend to have a type of what I might call "Zen Humor" about everything. Things that would terrify others to talk about they might just laugh about instead much like native American Medicine men often also have this type of "Zen Humor" which allows one to survive any type of situation one might face psychologically without breaking down and losing it.

In other words the Tibetan Buddhist approach I learned allows someone to face death or anything else without completely losing it. You still have your feelings about everything but you don't break your mind and become temporarily or permanently dysfunctional by approaching everything through dualism.

So, instead of breaking your mind in a destructive way you enter a more zen kind of state where you can cope with whatever happens in your life because you are coming from a compassionate place not only towards all others but also equally towards yourself as well.

So, one can cope with death or life or whatever one has to face in this way without permanently becoming dysfunctional and losing one's mind permanently no matte what happens in your life.

So, learning compassion as the basis of spirituality was helpful to be to better face whatever life brought to me whether it was life or pain or death or birth or whatever it was (even coronavirus).

So, because of non-dualism I tend to not hate coronavirus but to see it as mostly a balancing factor here on earth.

People often want to help the ecology but coronavirus is a way that mother earth is balancing the ecology too. It's just that mother nature is killing overpopulated humans to try to create a balance.

So, even though I'm a human and don't want humans to die I still can also understand that to mother earth this might be necessary so ALL humans don't go extinct this century.

So, there is this balance to everything that allows me to cope instead of just breaking my mind and destroying me like many people are being killed or permanently mentally destroyed through all of this.

So, by Studying  Tibetan Buddhism in the 1980s and 1990s it allows me to face whatever I have to face without going crazy from it all and to just take it all in stride instead and still be the family patriarch and able to help my friends, my wife, my children and my grandchildren ongoing.

By God's Grace

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