Friday, September 11, 2020

New information about fires near Portland

It's supposed to rain up there and put out the fires next week sometime. So, if the winds can stay down and not blow too hard then the fires might stay to the east of Oregon City where everyone has been evacuated. 

So, it really depends a lot on the winds because if they blow hard it could burn the Portland and the Salem area down between now and the next rains. Once the winds get sustained above about 25 miles per hour all the firefighters can really do is to evacuate everyone until they stop blowing that hard. 

This is what already happened when Talent, Phoenix and Southern Medford, Oregon Burned earlier this week when the winds blew 40 to 50 miles per hour to the north and my friend's son's house burned down. Luckily, everyone evacuated safely even though some were stuck in traffic for awhile next to a wall of flame.

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