Friday, January 8, 2021

Articles of Impeachment to be introduced Monday in the House of representatives

Incitement of Insurrection: 1 count of an insurrection. President Trump in their view has acted grossly incompatible with the self governance and rule of law. President Trump therefore warrants impeachment and trial and the disqualification to hold and enjoy any office for any honor, trust or profit in the United States. 

This is the latest from CNN News at 12:28 pm ET January 8th 2021.

Also, there is talk of starting in the House and impeaching him there and then waiting to take him to trial after Biden becomes president when the Democrats have control of both houses so they then would be sure to not only impeach him but also convict him of these charges as well.

Also, can Trump pardon himself for these crimes. This is unknown at this time because self pardoning has never been attempted by a U.S. president before.

But, my thought is that he cannot pardon himself. But, because the Supreme Court is so conservative now they might allow him to do this to protect the presidency itself but not Trump. So, out of this likely he will never be able to hold any political office at a Federal level ever again.

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