Saturday, January 23, 2021

By not being honest with people about Coronavirus and how bad it really was Trump threw the U.S. and the world likely into a 2nd Great Depression at this point

Where did it completely go wrong?

I think it went wrong likely in February and March of 2020 when Trump saw that people were dying in   Blue states like Washington, Oregon, California and New York State. When he saw this he thought "Great! we are killing off  Blacks and Mexicans and Native Americans in those  blue states so they can't vote against me!

This likely is when it completely started to go wrong. So then by Last Summer Trump likely saw his mistake too late when people in Florida, Arizona and Texas started dying like Flies and these states were traditionally Red States that voted Republican.

Well!   By lying to people  and then them dying Trump ended his chances of getting elected at all!

People who might have been for him  before weren't going to vote for him after he killed their mother, their father, their Aunt, Uncle, Brother or sister from Coronavirus! 

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