Friday, January 8, 2021

Links to most read articles as of January 8th 2021. Working on this today



The ultra-lethal drones of the future | New York Post 2014 article

< reprint of: Drones very small to large

< All Face Creams including Sun Block now have Nanotechnology in them "

< 'Why aren't they home?': Lake Tahoe struggles to keep winter vacationers at bay

Trump doesn't mind ripping the Republican party in two

< The story of mRNA: How a once-dismissed idea became a leading technology in the Covid vaccine race

< Links to most read articles as of January 5th 2021: I will be working on updating this tonight

< Designating "Self driving Cars" as being "Fully Autonomous" will create a more dangerous outcome for riders in these cars: Why? /a>

Becoming Saint Germain

< Want to Know More About mRNA Before Your COVID Jab ...

<\ Becoming Saint Germain

< How is a new timeline started?

< Two cows produce as much greenhouse gases as a new gasoline or diesel engined car out on the road for one year


< Senator: Zoom Deceived Users Over Its Security Claims "

< We are experiencing a type of Civil War right now that is for now remaining bloodless (at least for now): Videos and photos of armed standoff "

< Cabinet members and Congress People considering removing Trump from power with 25th Amendment and putting Pence in Charge last 2 weeks"

< Pence now defends the Congress and himself from Trump's insanity

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