Friday, January 8, 2021

What was it like when Saint Germain Gave me all his memories of his lifetimes?

The best way I can explain this is that I became Saint Germain as one of his bodies here on earth because now I contain all this memories of all his lifetimes in the past, present and future.

What does this mean?

I cannot entirely explain this to you. Can someone who survives riding a 50 or 100 foot wave in the ocean explain to you how they survived that when most people would die (99% of them?).

It's kind of like that. What happened to me would likely kill most people but somehow Saint Germain knew I would survive this and now I am one of his bodies here on earth. It's why I can write about Arcane (who is one of Saint Germain's many lifetimes when he was born 1 million years from now on the Planet New Deva as a citizen of New Deva then.)

When I became one of Saint Germain's bodies here on earth it was the evening of Easter 1973 after I had gone to Lake Shrine in Los Angeles which is a Self Realization Fellowship location. I had gone with a friend and his girlfriend and a lady my friend met who had similar religious beliefs to us from Alaska with her Daughter. In Easter 1973 I would have been 24 years old and going to turn 25 within a month or two.

The lady and her daughter from Alaska that went with us I later took to Mt. Shasta and I spent my 25th birthday alone at Horse camp on Mt. Shasta in about 20 plus feet of snow. I remember I had to get a hold of a snow shovel there and dig down about 7 to 10 feet so I could open the big thick wooden door then so I could enter and stay there by myself. I rented snow shoes so I could even get there. I brought my brand new nylon Stringed Yamaha guitar I had bought myself for my birthday and played music and wrote more music and wrote for 3 or 4 days after I put the lady and her daughter from Alaska on the bus to Alaska back to her husband. 

So, being alone at Horse Camp was an amazing experience where Saint Germain came even deeper into me and overwhelmed my consciousness even more than the few weeks before.

I would have to say that I was a teenager or a child or not fully developed as a spiritual man before Saint Germain Entered my being on the night of Easter 1973. But, after this I knew almost all the time what people were thinking and feeling, I knew what their karmic relationship was to me immediately. Basically, I became spiritually a full Adult and responsible in a way I had never been before.

I became a whole powerful and empowered spiritual being on Easter of 1973 through this experience.

Within a month of this I started dating my first wife. Within three months of this we were going to have my son. We tried to get married at SRF in Encinitas in the fall but they said we weren't members. I even got a blood test that you needed then in California and so did she that you needed to get married then.

Finally, one month before my son was born we got married in Long Beach, California and my son was born about 1 month later. My then wife and I were very progressive and she insisted that we have this baby at home alone with no one there but us.

I was a little scared but it all worked out all right in the end. We had taken a Lamaze class but what was really unusual is that in the end we were the only one of the 25 couples in the class that actually had natural childbirth.

Everyone else had chickened out but us. So, when we told people in our next Lamaze class meeting that we had had the baby just the two of us using the Lamaze methods everyone just about fainted including the instructor because we brought our baby son with us to prove we did it!

Lamaze childbirth education offers healthy birth practices, teaching healthy pregnancy and safe, natural birth.

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Lamaze childbirth education offers healthy birth practices, teaching healthy pregnancy and safe, natural birth.
The Lamaze technique, also known as the psychoprophylactic method or simply Lamaze, began as a prepared childbirth technique, popularized in the 1950s by ...

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