Saturday, January 23, 2021

My experience with the "Burning Bush" on Mt. Shasta

Looking back now to 1970 when I had this experience I have had a long time to think about this. I'm thinking that where ley lines intersect in mountain Ranges like maybe in  Moses' time.


But, for me, it was in Mt. Shasta in California.

To make more sense of this experience it was August of 1970 and I would have just turned 22 in the spring of that year. So, 3 people and I was the 4th I knew from the Saint Germain Foundation at that time were all going to climb Mt. Shasta together. We were all between about 18 and 23 years old at that time and all single college students likely too then.

So, we camped at Horse Camp on Mt. Shasta which is at tree line (which is where the trees stop growing because of altitude there (which is likely somewhere around 8000 feet at this location on the mountain. I hadn't brought a very warm sleeping bag and no tent so by 2 AM I was getting kind of cold. So, I decided to get up and start climbing the mountain then in the dark to stay warm until the sun came up.

I woke up one member of the climbing group and grabbed my ice axe and crampons (because there was snow and ice to climb through then in that August when we got more snow and rain then before Global Warming set in.

So, I set out alone thinking I would walk and climb slow so people might catch up with me by Lake Helen at around 10,000 feet altitude. WE were going for the one day climb with no sleeping gear from Horse camp which is one choice people can make and just leave our sleeping gear and most food behind there at Horse Camp which was okay to do then in 1970. So, I set out by 2:20 AM with a moon I believe of some stage visible so I didn't need a flashlight even though I had one with me for emergencies.

As I climbed I noticed something shining that sort of looked like a transporter room on Star Trek in the distance. As I got closer it was really powerful and I realized this likely was what Moses saw on Mt. Horeb at the time. However, because of my spiritual and religious indoctrination I tended to think of it as a manifestation of Mr. Ballard who had started the religion I was raised in.

The Burning Bush spoke with me telepathically. It greeted me with the words:" I"m not here for you."

As. 22 year old man I had no idea what to make of this statement. I suppose now I would think it was telling me that it was just there sort of like a tree or flower would be there and so it was doing it's natural thing. But then I had no idea what to make of it telling me it wasn't there for me.

Eventually, it said telepathically: "YOU have to go now or being near me will damage you!" Like a parent or friend it was interested in my well being sort of like Moses' burning bush.

I understand now why it said this because my later experiences almost killed me. So, it was right in that it was too powerful for me to be around any longer.

If I could define what happened to me it was that I was filled with the HOLY Spirit of infinite power while I was there. I was so spiritually moved that I climbed Mt. Shasta while crying because I was so powerfully moved by this experience. On top of everything else the pageant of the Life of Christ had been on Sunday the Day before then in 1970 and I had gone with my friends!

So, I had this really powerful spiritual experience on top of another really powerful spiritual experience the day before.

A month later I went to a college class at San Diego State University called "Universal Awareness" with around 100 or more college students. WE were studying about the Violet Flame (sacred fire) and telepathy and soul travel and other interesting things at the Experimental College then called the Aztec Center.

One day I got a parking ticket and I thought I didn't deserve it and so I thought that it should disappear. So, I visualized the ticket disappearing and this crashed the whole parking ticket computer for the City of San Diego so I didn't have to pay this ticket.

So, once again this was Holy Spirit energy at a level I hadn't experienced ever before. And this likely was when I started to get scared by this power. I didn't know how to use it or control it and then my arms started feeling like they were on fire. Have you ever held a match to a finger or been burned on a stove?

This is what i was experiencing on my hands and arms for several weeks in pain.

I really had no idea what to do to survive this!

I also started Soul traveling seriously around this time too out in the desert and almost had a heart attack when this happened the first time. Soul traveling when you don't expect it through astral projection can be terrifying to the point where you can die from it. And I almost died right there.

I was alone out in the desert in a friend's cabin on 2 1/2 acres near Yucca Valley which is in the general region of Palm Springs except at about 3500 feet altitude on a somewhat nearby desert plateau.

I had to go to the bathroom and my arm went through the bathroom wall when I tried to turn the light switch on. I seriously thought I was going to die right then. I forced myself to think about what to do! And I remembered reading that if you find yourself outside your body you are supposed to walk back to your body and lie down into it which i did. 

However, then I was shaking and alone and over 100 miles away from anyone I knew. This wasn't going to work for me so I loaded up my car and drove home to Rancho Bernardo which is near Poway and Escondido near San Diego.

I said to God: "God! You almost killed me! Can't I have a good experience of Soul traveling where I don't almost die?"

God answered me within a month or two when I woke up and I was sitting up out of my body but still connected from the waist down. I looked back at my body behind me and then another me came in the bedroom door with an angelic look on it's face and laid down into me and we laid down into my body and I said to God: "I understand! Thank you God!"
And I did and by God's Grace I had learned to safely soul travel from these experiences first all over the earth, then throughout out galaxy and then through time forwards and backwards.

God had taught me NEVER to Astral Project because that is too dangerous. So, he showed me how to Bilocate or Trilocate instead (Being 2 or 3 or more places at the same time). for me this is being in spirit two or more places at the same time. But, there are human beings who can physically manifest actual bodies like Sai Baba used to do this! HE would do things like being physically in India and go to Tiffany's in New York City and walk through the door and buy yellow diamond for  one of his American Followers who donated a large sum of money for people who were starving and needed food from Sai Baba  there in India (it was for his follower's  wife in New York City with cash and walk out the door. So, he could not only manifest a body he could manifest cash and move real diamonds through time and space!

God had given me the gift of soul travel that I had prayed for since I met the archangels when I was 2 years old!
Thank you God!

By God's Grace

The gift I was given was to help everyone I know or who knows about me. This is the reason God gave me this gift which is one reason I witness about it here to you.

By God's Grace

  1. the supposed phenomenon of being in two places simultaneously.

Web results

Bilocation, or sometimes multilocation, is an alleged psychic or miraculous ability wherein an individual or object is located in two distinct places at the same ...
History · ‎In religion and mysticism · ‎Modern

Why didn't I die from So Much Holy Spirit?
It was a very hard year 1970 from being filled with infinite Holy Spirit and I barely survived it. But, over time I got used to having this infinite connection of the Holy Spirit running through my physical body so I learned not to have a stroke or heart attack and die from it. 
But, like I said it took a few years to figure all this out!
By God's Grace

by Putting your attention on God and his Angels and asking the angels and God questions of how you survive something like this you will get answers!

By God's Grace

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