Monday, January 4, 2021

Peace comes from Integrity and Kindness

 The kinder you can be to yourself and others the more peace in your life you will have ongoing. But, getting to this place can at times be rough.

I found that most of my life until I was about 50 was quite a struggle. But, I started to pray for the "Leisure to Practice" in the early 1980s. I didn't know there was such a thing until I started to study Buddhism when I learned of this.

So, in fall of 1998 I thought I was dying and I woke up and couldn't feel my hands and looked into the mirror and my lips were blue so I knew this wasn't good. 

I then walked out into the living room because my wife had already gone to work so I was alone and called my son on the phone and told me I needed him to drive me to the hospital. My father died in an ambulance on the way to the hospital so I didn't want to call an ambulance because of this.

So, I was sitting there alone in the living room and many white bright angels surrounded me and they said in unison: "You aren't going to die! Your life will get better now!"

They kept repeating this until every cell in my body believed them. My human mind had some doubts but this is normal for humans but every cell in my body listened to the angels so I was going to be okay no matter what happened then.

My son arrived and took me to the emergency room and I told them that the angels came and what they said. The nurses an doctor in the emergency room said this happens all the time when people have a near death experience where they see angels. So, I was happy that this was true.

The doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong with my heart for 8 or 9 months. Finally, my cardiologist said to me, "We finally figured out what was wrong with you. Through the process of elimination we realize now you had a heart virus. You are very lucky because most people die of heart viruses before they are diagnosed."

It took me about 5 years to get used to being retired but this is how God gave me Peace and the leisure to Practice at age 50. 

6 months later I was well enough to take my mother and 10 year old daughter to Scotland, England, Germain, Austria, Switzerland and Italy by fall of 1999. I rented a car in Edinburgh and went to Aviemore in the Cairngorms. I rented a car at the end of the journey and went to Stonehenge and Glastonbury. I rented a motor home in Munich and drove through oberamagau and into Austria and Switzerland and then Italy and then back to Munich where we flew to London where we went to Stonehenge and Glastonbury. God has been with me and my family all the way.

So, God has blessed me and given me Peace in many different ways.

Also, without my wife who insisted I have health insurance from about age 46 I couldn't have survived all this either or still be alive now. But, the time since I was 50 has been the most peaceful and happy of my whole life because I am with God 24 hours a day now and this makes me happy so I can pray for all of you 24 hours a day! I was 50 in 1998 and am now 72. So, God answered my prayer for the Leisure to Practice 22 years ago last fall now.

By God's Grace

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