Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Remembering Past Lives

 Why is it important to remember your past lives in the past, present and future?

Because it allows you to know who you are meeting every day in your life and your past, present and future relationships with each person you meet.

If you are like me at all then when you meet any new person or even see new people walking down the street you want to know your relationship with them simply because for example, if they were a lover, a wife, an enemy, a friend, a neutral acquaintance, all these factors are important to your future and theirs in this lifetime.

Knowing your relationships with everyone you meet in past, present and future lifetimes helps them and you navigate this lifetime better for both them and for you.

However, one must be very careful about all this too because you can also get a form of PTSD from past lives.

For example, from my point of view it is not useful to remember fully being beheaded, strangled, drowned, burned alive, having a sword run through you or blown up in a nuke (the last of which I did have to remember from Nagasaki when I was a child there).

I remember thousands of souls screaming that were dead and without their bodies anymore and I was one of them and I found it both terrifying and confusing as a soul to experience this especially as a child. But, the good part of this is the karma for being blown up by Americans was that I was born then next in America in 1948 in Seattle, Washington to very good parents. So, often out of bad things like this can come good things karma wise.

So, I pray some times for a good outcome in regard to all this like this:

God, Please show me what you want me to know about all my lifetimes in the past, present and future so I can better help myself and all other beings to full enlightenment and peace. However, I don't want to experience painful deaths because I don't find that useful. Thank you God.

Since a Soul doesn't live naturally in time and space also being shown future lifetimes in the next several million years here on earth and on other planets and places and inside stars as plasma being who have the same types of souls that we have here on earth.

So, it is very useful to not only remember past lives but also concurrent present lives that your soul might be living here on earth which is often what I write about. I also write about future lives of my soul as well.

You might ask: "Doesn't writing about future lives change time lines?"

The best way I know to answer this that there are so many variances of time lines to begin with that if it helps other souls to understand more about past, present and future lives it increases the quality of all lives who know about all this also in the past, present and future naturally.

By God's Grace

Note: No time line is ever completely set in stone. The only thing any of us have for sure is our memories because time lines are always altering to new ones. I see a time line a lot like a wave coming to shore on the ocean. Have you ever seen another wave hit one wave and change it's nature?

This happens all the time on the sea of time throughout our galaxy. So, just expect the time line we are presently on to change in the past, present and future ongoing. All we really have is our memories of what we experienced and that's all.

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