Sunday, January 10, 2021

Storm waves of 20 to 30 feet in height are pounding Northern California coasts

I heard about it last night but couldn't really believe it until I saw it. No surfers were out at all because they are breaking so far out that if you "Bought it" likely no one could rescue you or you likely couldn't swim into shore that easily even with a board. I have seen people surf waves up to 35 feet in California but usually you need a jet ski to do this without dying. Partly it's because of rocks closer to shore and part of it is that waves this big can easily kill people with the way the northern California coast is with many cliffs and rocks out into the ocean. So, unless you are very familiar with where rocks are under the water of various sizes they can be deadly for surfers.

So, if you have ever seen up close a 20 to 30 foot wave it is quite spectacular and they break way way out about  2 to 3 times as far out into the ocean when they are this size.

The other interesting thing is that you can hear these huge waves breaking several miles inland which is different too.

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