Saturday, January 9, 2021

The Week that Felt like a Year!

I got this quote from a TV show and found it quite appropriate to what I have been feeling. I got so angry today when a glass bottle that is enclosed with rubberized webbing so you cannot spill the drink from it fell out of my robe in the bathroom and nearly crushed some of my  toes that I was going to smash the bottle. I realized the bottle hadn't done anything wrong. I shouldn't have expected the bottle to stay in my robe pocket all the way from the Hot Tub out on the deck and into the bathroom and shower where I was going to hang the robe up on the back of the bathroom door.

Little Indicators of just how angry I was at what has happened to my country this week. And I'm likely not the only one feeling this way.   But, like one person on CNN said today "There is going to be more violence because of what Trump and his enablers have done".

And because of this at the very least more "Lied to" citizens as well as innocent police and soldiers protecting our country likely are going to die or be shot or be beaten with night sticks or metal clubs or wooden clubs or stabbed or shot or blown up etc. around the country. A whole lot of rightest PTSD veterans will either be killed or kill other people now and into this next year around the country. This is sort of a given at this point.

So, I hope Biden and Harris are inaugurated somewhere safe that can be defended by police and soldiers quite effectively and not like what the Capitol police did when they "IN ALL EGO" thought that they could handle all this by themselves and almost got Senators and House members killed along with the ones that did die from being shot or beaten to death or heart attacks on all sides.

It's really amazing how ONE insane man like Trump gets so many others wounded or killed for no good reason after lying to them for months now, years now!

Hopefully in all this we won't see another Timothy McVeigh type of Bombing where 168 people died like in the 1990s like in Oklahoma when McVeigh got angry at what happened in Waco Texas and blew up 168 people including many children in the Oklahoma government building there. He eventually was executed for these domestic Terrorist murders by the way.

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