Thursday, January 7, 2021

We need a two party system: Trump has raped the Republican party and needs to go from any kind of leadership roles

Getting Rid of Trump not only as president but also getting rid of him as anyone to anyone takes seriously is really important now. 

But, the Republican party is necessary for stability in the U.S. 

The Democrats are about Human rights.

But, Republicans are about maintaining the important parts of tradition which often keep us safe and alive as a country.

Democrats are often forward thinking and about human rights. However, there is something to be said for traditional Conservative Republican ideas that share many things in common with the Founding Fathers of the U.S. to begin with.

So, there is a balance between the two. 

Democrats want to save the common people who are the lifeblood of America.

Republicans are mostly richer people or very uneducated poor people voting against their best interests.

But, both of these parties are necessary for the country to be healthy and sane and alive ongoing.

Obviously I'm more of a moderate in my thinking as an independent.

It's just as dangerous to have a dysfunctional Republican party for Americans as it is to have a dysfunctional Democratic party.

Both are needed to maintain a healthy America ongoing. 


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