Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Why was Trump the biggest piece of reducing world populations through the Coronavirus?

After Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back came back from 2095 with His Oneness and Arcane when they spoke to the United Nations it was thought that the quickest way to reduce world populations in a fair way was to start in the U.S. by changing to a corrupt president.

In this way so many people would be dying in the U.S. that the U.S. wouldn't be able to help that much poorer countries because most of the wealth of the nation would have to be spent on Food banks and upon helping Americans to survive all this, especially helping the children and grandchildren who have lost both their parents and grandparents.

So, in this way the benevolence of the U.S. would be stopped mostly towards other countries around the world and thereby increase the deaths in all nations in a fair and equitable way.

So, even though presidents like the one in Mexico and Brazil and the Philippines were a part of all this the primary change that prevented human extinction was to put in the most corrupt and selfish and non-patriotic president into office in the Form of Trump.

I think everyone should know that many many people who had to make and execute this decision have already killed themselves especially as people they knew and loved like their own parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles have and will die around the world from either coronavirus, Starvation or not having emergency ICU beds available because there are none left like in Los Angeles county right now here in California.

You might think about them and how difficult all this would be to thin out the human race and especially them watching aunts, uncles, parents, Grandparents and friends die from this decision that they all were involved in making. So, if you hear of military or governmental personnel dying suspiciously then it could be one of them that had to make this decision worldwide. There are many unsung heroes around the world that likely won't be able to survive this during the next few years. 

I didn't have to make these decisions, other people born on earth did. I'm just a reporter or Galactic Scribe reporting on what the Galactic Sentience wants you all to know about what is happening here on earth.

The unfortunate thing was this was the only relatively fair way to preserve the Human Race from extinction this century.

The next century of 2150 to 2160 human extinction cause by the mental illness caused by 7/8 of the population of earth being gone in 2100 is the next obstacle to be overcome for the human race but that will also be solved in time.

By God's Grace

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