Monday, February 8, 2021

What is important to know about dreams (both day and night dreams)?

The single most important thing to understand about dreams is that they are another form of reality. How do I mean this?

They are a reality that is dealing with the past, present and future and every place in the universe all at the same time.

So, when you are dreaming you are not really in this world. It could also be said that you are not necessarily in your body either but that might not be useful for many people to know because it might just frighten them if they weren't ready for this.

I came to understand this a lot better when God allowed my prayers to be answered of around 15 years from maybe 2 to 5 years old after I saw the angels and wanted to go with them at age 2. So, I wanted to "Soul Travel" with the angels and prayed for this for years.

Eventually, I was given permission to do this by the Archangels when I was around 20 years old. It was a way to keep me alive through my very difficult early 20s.

What might be important to know is that "what you put your attention upon you become."

My parents taught me this truism starting when I was about 2 years old and I have found it to be true.

Why is this important?

Because people shouldn't put their attention on things that they don't want to rule them at a subconscious level where they might have no control at all.

In understanding this one becomes more enlightened just understanding this one thing.

Your dreams both night dreams and day dreams are the essence of your life so they are precious to your psychological and physical survival always.

Understanding just this you might live a very long life and be happy and enlightened and SEE God.

By God's Grace

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