Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Traveling right now can be psychologically hard

What I mean by this is on the one hand you feel more invulnerable in some ways if you have been vaccinated. However, if you stayed well and didn't get sick or die along the way you also have had to be a little paranoid to stay well this last year. So, I find it hard to make this adjustment and you are always wondering how much leeway you actually have while traveling. So, the adjustment back to a more normal life (it isn't really normal because you have to always be a little worried to make sure you stay alive)  but I will say it's at least closer to something resembling normal. 

For example, I now will stay in hotels but always wear a KN-95 mask in the hallways. I won't fly on planes but I will drive my own vehicles when traveling. I won't eat inside anywhere but I will buy takeout along the way and eat it with friends or relatives. I won't go to movie theaters but I will watch movies in my hotel room and other TV shows. Though I open my sliding door to my veranda usually on the 2nd or 3rd floor a lot more to keep fresh air in my room at the hotel.

So, is it stressful to travel? Yes. But would you rather be dead and alone in your house or apartment somewhere if you actually have the means to travel and the time?

It's just like before Covid except it isn't in a myriad of ways.

And how long before the Double Double Variant and the Triple Variant from India gets to where you presently are that is putting whole families from ages 16 up into the hospital now in India?

All these questions are unknown for all of us at present. And I for one am a little uneasy about all these unanswered questions. 

But, at least you all reading this and I are still alive and kicking for today.

By God's Grace

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