Friday, April 30, 2021

In Asia and South America people are dying like never before in history because they cannot get vaccines:

 Here in the U.S. people are hesitant about getting vaccines. The problem is that the variants in Brazil and South America AND the Variants taking whole families to the hospital in India will likely eventually this summer or fall make there way here to the U.S. and begin to take whole families here to to the hospital as one person in a household gets infected where no one is vaccinated. Because of this not getting a vaccine here in the U.S. could be tantamount to murder of one or more members of your family given all these present variables.

So, at least at this point it looks to me like not getting vaccines is a way to murder one or more members of your family or friends. It's true it's your freedom of choice. The problem is that your freedom to choose not to get a vaccine could literally kill thousands of people between now and 2030 the way this is presently progressing.

And because these vaccines might be shipped to other countries where people are begging not to die it also might mean that when you choose to get vaccinated there won't be any for you and then you might die because of that too.

We don't know where all this is going folks. Right now on a world level it is just wiping out whole groups of people who cannot get vaccinated in India and South America and the variants are now hitting whole families from age 16 and above in both India and South America right now.

How can we keep these variants from killing you and your families if you don't get vaccinated now while there are still vaccines available?

I would have preferred not to get any vaccine too that is experimental and new. But, when I reviewed all scientific Data I saw it likely was a choice between Life and Death for me and my wife and eventually my family between now and 2030. My son just got his first vaccine yesterday and my adopted daughter got her vaccine last month when my wife and I did. If you have a choice Pfizer or Moderna are the best ones right now.

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