Thursday, April 29, 2021

The Freedom to be ignorant and not scientifically educated in a medical way might wipe out 5 billion people on earth by 2030 at this point

 The coronavirus and it's variants keep on coming and keep getting worse. They arise whenever the virus hits a truly compromised immune system in someone. So, before that person dies they give this new variant to someone else whose immune system might not be compromised as much.

But, if this present 8 billion strong potential cases of coronavirus continues it is likely going to take out a majority of people on earth and bring human populations down to at least 3 billion people by 2030.

Can this be stopped?

Unknown at present.

The main problem that I can see as of today is the lack of education regarding medical science worldwide and many ignorant beliefs that could wipe out whole families especially in 3rd world nations worldwide.

The world: (At least in the last 100 or more years) (except for the Spanish Flu) that killed 50 to 100 million people between 1918 and 1920, has never seen anything like this. So, learning and adapting to how we fight this extreme loss of life ongoing remains to be seen.

We have many more unknowns regarding all this than we have knowns.

Richer countries likely will fare better in some ways simply because they can afford to make and to use vaccines. Poorer countries might have more people that prove to be immune to the virus variants as well though too. So, we will have to see where all this goes over the next 9 or so years.

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