Wednesday, April 28, 2021

What is a Free Thinker?

 I suppose there are many different points of view of what this means.

To me, personally it means that I am a compassionate man who is also a survivor always and who is Captain of his Own Ship and Master of his own Destiny.

Where does God come into all this?

It depends upon the person.

But, one thing I do know is that often when people tell you that they are obedient to God what this really means is some minister or Priest of some religion has made them his bitch.

And for me at least this is not something I want at all.

I was raised to think like a Libertarian somewhat where you take personal responsibility for your life and so you have the freedom to be stupid and die or you have the freedom to be smart and live which is what the Founding Fathers of this country believed too which is based I guess on Natural Selection mostly.

Which is basically "you either figure things out young enough or you die young" which sounds cruel and it is but so has life always been in many ways here on earth all along.

But, a Free Thinker is about basic survival while trying to become successful on your own so that you can help not only your family but also your friends to succeed too. So, when you learn to become "Captain of your own ship and master of your own Destiny" often you can succeed where many others will not because they don't have the right attitude to survive what they will face in their lives.

A Catholic Priest once told me that people can be divided into 3 types of people (he had an IQ of about 200 by the way and spoke 20 languages) and he had once been District Attorney of Santa Cruz County before he became a priest.

He said people can be divided into three types basically which are:

1. People who will succeed no matter what happens in their lives (ultimate survivors)

2. People who will succeed given enough help (Survivors with enough help)

3. People who won't survive no matter what anyone does for them (not survivors)

So, the point is there are people that you cannot save no matter what you are going to do for them.

And to recognize this early on prevents your life being flushed down the toilet with theirs.

IF you are someone who helps other people like I always have this is important to know early on so you can still survive yourself.

So, being a Free Thinker from my point of view is: "Being Captain of your own ship and master of your own destiny" while helping as many people as you can save and rescue and help along the way to a better life.

By God's Grace

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