Friday, May 14, 2021

Accusations that Vaccinations might sterilize people?

The problem is with all sorts of claims like this it is likely impossible to prove (either way) right or wrong that these things are true. The only way one might know for sure is that people have less babies and even then this might not be the cause.

My daughter(the youngest one) has been studying lately how even before the coronavirus worldwide that birth rates are falling. So, this sort of thing was going on BEFORE the coronavirus even arose in the first place. Also, men's penises have been getting smaller and smaller as well according to many studies around the world and also men's sperm motility is dropping too. So, they are less likely to impregnate a female than before too. Much of this could have to do with diets where estrogen producing elements are being added to many things people eat. For example, soy products have an increased amount of estrogen. It could also have to do with how little pieces of plastic are finding their way into animals (especially the stomachs of Fish and sea birds in the ocean as well as anything that lives in proximity to the ocean) from plastic discarded in the ocean worldwide that breaks up over time. Also, insecticides and herbicides likely are decreasing women's ability to conceive a child as well worldwide.

Also, the general pollution of stuff worldwide in the soils worldwide would also add to decreasing fertility in men and women.

So, though people might say that vaccinations might sterilize people there is no proof at all that I know of available on this subject. However, it's just like with Trump if you tell a lie enough times it starts to resemble the truth like with all forms of brainwashing even advertisements of all kinds.

For example I still remember Bosco chocolate milk adds on TV in the 1950s like

"I love Bosco, Bosco's good for me, Mommy puts it in my Milk."

Or the grade school song of the 1950s:

"I hate Bosco, Bosco's bad for me. Mommy puts it in my milk and tries to poison me. I fooled Mommy. I put it in her tea and now there's no Mommy left to try to poison me."

I sometimes wonder now whether the Grade school rhyme put Bosco out of business?

So, just like that if people decide to believe something even though it isn't true it might make people not get vaccinated because they haven't had kids yet.

But if you are dead from Coronavirus you should try to have kids then?

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