Sunday, July 4, 2021

Happy 4th of July Everyone!

It's great we all survived since the last 4th of July even though because of the fires they didn't have the fireworks over Lake Siskiyou but likely you couldn't have seen them through all the smoke much this year anyway. Also, I would have maybe liked to be in the Walk Run (Walking part) with my wife as I have done this with members of my family often since they were born (the Walk Run). People used to (2 years ago) play music alongside of the walk run and it could be anywhere from rock and roll music to country to whatever kind of music has keyboards and guitars or violins and other more portable instruments along the route out past the hospital across Interstate 5 and back. Often there are 100 to 500 balloon arches with helium balloons in Red, White and blue strung on them arching up over Lassen Lane I think it is called at that point before it reaches Old Stage Road. 

But, most of all I'm happy our Good old USA is still in one piece especially after the last 4 years or so.

So, Happy 4th Uncle Sam it's good you are still around in the Spirit of all Americans!

By God's Grace

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