Sunday, July 4, 2021

Pearl Dorris was an amazing Student of Guy W. Ballard in the 1930s

 Some people wonder still whether she is the Pearl in "The Magic Presence" by Mr. Ballard under the pen name of "Godfre Ray King".

Pearl Dorris also met many interesting people like Walter Cronkite who is one of many many famous people who visited her at her and her husband's home in Mt. Shasta. Towards the end of her life she moved to Yreka as a way of retiring from being an important spiritual teacher for thousands of people in the U.S. and all over the world.

She would have people come and visit her often in groups of about 30 (who could fit in her living room) in Mt. Shasta. Then she would begin speaking and interesting things like the whole room would turn gold when Ascended Masters came and radiated through the whole room and the people there which changed many many lives in a very wonderful way. She was very helpful to me personally and to many of my friends. In fact, most of my friends presently in Mt. Shasta visited her regularly at her meetings at her home especially in the 1970s and 1980s in Mt. Shasta.

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