Sunday, July 18, 2021

More people are either getting Covid and Dying or Getting Long Covid

The problem is likely that these people are associating in their lives with other people who are more afraid of the vaccine than they are of Covid. I heard about a friend getting long covid and I found this really sad because this person though in their 70s was an athlete all their lives. Someone who could outdo anyone into their mid 70s. But, this is no longer the case because of Long Covid.

I heard another person say that they considered Covid a rich man's disease because one is unconscious on a ventilator when they die usually in an induced coma. I thought this was a very strange way to look at all this. However, whole families are choosing not to get vaccinated for one reason or another.

We are very lucky in our family because over 90% or more of our extended family are vaccinated and so we worry less because of this. It is very comforting not to have to worry about members of your family getting covid and dying when they are vaccinated. 

However, even among the members of my family who choose not to get vaccinated they are saying they likely would get vaccinated once it's FDA approved even though other members say they want to have children and so they worry about this aspect even though I think this is complete baloney myself.

However, the level of relief and comfort my wife and I have had knowing we started the ball rolling in getting members of our family vaccinated is great in that we don't worry like we did until we were vaccinated in March and April 2021 and we have been very grateful ever since.

However, we had to drive 3 hours to get both vaccines which means a total of 12 hours of driving to get two vaccines because in our county they were vaccinating farmworkers rather than retired people like ourselves then. So, the only way we could get vaccinated was to drive 3 hours each way to another county to get vaccinated then. However, it was worth it given how many are sick and dying now nationwide and worldwide with the delta and Delta Plus variants.

So, basically 50% of Americans might get Covid and Die because of not getting vaccinated. I don't understand how they all can live with the stress of all this? 

It's pretty awful watching friends pass away with Covid though or even worse get Long Covid and be incapacitated possibly for the rest of their  lives.

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