Friday, July 2, 2021

My Theory of Soul Travel Using the Scientific method after Soul Traveling now over 50 years

 What I thought Soul Travel was when Archangel Gabriel gave me the gift of Soul travel as a way of keeping me alive through my 20s was one thing.

However, after soul traveling to the center of the Galaxy through our physical sun and meeting the Galactic Sentience there (leader of the Galaxy) at that time I stayed there about a year learning more about how the galaxy functions and spending time with my Grandson who rules the Galaxy now. He told me that I am a retired Creator (which is what I call what human souls are). We are creators as souls. So, our souls are an actual species of beings that sometimes creates galaxies for the same reason that people clear land and build farms. It's an easier way to feed your family historically as long as it is safe enough to do this on many levels both regarding soil and weather and marauders and other factors.

So, in this year I spent there (to me here on earth it was only 1 night traveling) but to my memories it was 1 years time. However, time and space don't function everywhere like they do here on earth, this much is certain.

Here is my theory regarding Soul Travel. I just realized I might not have written down this theory before.

So, it is more than a hypothesis so it has become over time a theory over the last 50 years as I proved this to myself more and more.

Theory: Since we are immortal souls that potentially live billions and billions of years we sometimes want to value being alive after living that long so we take incarnation as human beings (and other civilized creatures on other worlds and places in galaxies after we retire as Creator Souls after having lived billions and billions of years. So, the people on earth are all of this creator species (as far as I can tell) who take incarnation after they are retired Creators. Human mortality allows us to value being alive once again in a human form. It makes life interesting enough to continue to live on as one of the Soul Species who lived before any galaxies were created. In fact, our soul species created all galaxies that exist presently. But, they do not need to breathe or to eat food or to drink water to continue living. However, they do need to eat energy as it passes through different states of being which is why they put black holes at the center of Galaxies because this is very helpful to the creators that build galaxies in their eating of energy as it passes from one state of energy or matter to another state along the way.

This is likely the best way to leave my theory because I could go off into tangents but the above makes sense on all levels to me. However, other spiritual scientists will have to prove this much like Einstein's theories were proved either later in his life or after he passed away by other scientists.

By God's Grace

I think I want to call this: Fred's theory regarding Human souls and how they travel time and space and beyond as souls.

For me, after all my research all this is a Law (in other words I don't doubt that I'm right about all this). But, for you, unless you shared all my experiences you might not see it this way so for you it can at best be a theory until you scientifically prove it all to yourself.

However, eventually after enough research it might become a law in your Scientific Method too.

By God's Grace

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